17. Firebolt

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"Merry Chritmas Ginny!" Amy called out once they entered the common room, realising she hadn't said so earlier out of frustration. The girl was waiting on the sofa by the fire playing with Hermione's cat, Crookshanks.

"M-morning," she said shyly, clearly still embarrassed.

"Come on, lets go wake the boys." Hermione said as she followed beside Amy.

Crookshanks quickly made his way over and Hermione was quick to pick him up. Soon after Ginny joined too.

As the approached Harry and Ron's dorm they could hear laughter, quietly they opened the door. The two boys were wearing brightly coloured knitted jumpers, similar to one Hermione had recieved from Molly Weasley. In front of them was a large package.

"What're you two laughing about?" Hermione asked as the three of them entered.

"Don't bring him in here!" Ron called but none of the girls were paying attention. Hermione set the cat on the ground as the they looked at the parcel in front of Harry. In the mess of wrapping paper was a brand new broomstick. A very nice looking broomstick.

"Oh, Harry! Who sent you that?"

"No idea," said Harry. "There wasn't a card or anything with it."

Hermione seemed concerned, Ginny was beaming excitedly while Amy didn't really know enough to feel much. Surely a broom is a broom, why the mixed emotions?

"What's the matter with you?" said Ron.

"I don't know," said Hermione slowly, "but it's a bit odd, isn't it? I mean, this is supposed to be quite a good broom, isn't it?"

Ron sighed. "It's the best broom there is, Hermione," he said.

Oh, thats why there were mixed emotions.

"So it must've been really expensive..."

"Probably cost more than all the Slytherins' brooms put together," said Ron happily.

No, that, is why there were mixed emotions.

"Well... who'd send Harry something as expensive as that, and not even tell him they'd sent it?" said Hermione.

"Who cares?" said Ron, impatiently. "Listen, Harry, can I have a go on it? Can I?"

"Me too, Harry!" Ginny suddenly joined excitedly. "Just a quick go, I'll be careful."

"I don't think anyone should ride that broom just yet!" said Hermione sternly.

Harry, Ron and Ginny looked at her as though she was insane. Amy was still a little lost.

"What d'you think Harry's going to do with it – sweep the floor?" scoffed Ron.

They were interrupted when Crookshanks sprang from Seamus's bed, right at Ron's chest.

"GET – HIM – OUT – OF – HERE!" Ron bellowed, as Crookshanks clawed at the boy and Scabbers desperately tried to escape over his shoulder. Ron grabbed Scabbers by the tail and tried to kick Crookshanks. Amy was quicker with a spell to make him lose balance before he could hurt the cat.

"RON!" She loudly scolded over the chaos of the room, stepping closer to the beds.

Crookshanks's assault was halted by a device coming from one of Harry's socks, spinning and whistling across the floor. The cat hissing at the device. Amy stopped, shocked at the Sneakoscope going off as she approached. Luckily, no one seemed to react at the dark wizard detecting device being set off by their friend. There wes a more pressing issue of a rampaging cat.

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