85. The Torch of Freedom

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When they returned, Snape seemed visibly relieved. Voldemort had clearly been explaining what would happen to him if they failed.

"Well then, I believe we had a deal." Amy called out to Voldemort as she entered. "Release Severus of all obligations, remove his Dark Mark and let him come with me."

Voldemort gave a polite nod and waved his wand over Snape's arm. The Dark Mark disappeared. Bellatrix laughed loudly behind Amy.

"You did all this for Snape?" She asked in disbelief.

Amy turned to her with a sly smile and leaned close to speak quietly.

"I did. My friends have my absolute loyalty and are raised up with me..." She looked pointedly at Voldemort and back to the woman. "Consider that the next time he is threatening your life. I always need talented people..." Amy couldn't help but check the woman out one last time before turning away.

Snape approached while the prisoners moved towards their lord. Bellatrix gave a conflicted look at Amy before kneeling before Voldemort. Amy didn't bother waiting around. They returned home.

"Well, Sev, you're free!" Amy cheerfully said as they headed to the portal home.

"I can hardly believe it... Amy... Girls... Thank you..." His voice was shaky. For the first time in years he felt like a weight was released from his shoulders.

"I assume you won't be going back to Hogwarts?" She asked him.

He shook his head. "Dumbledore holds too much power there."

They stepped through the portal and were now home.

"Well, now that you are no longer a teacher, I can let you in on our secret... We have been teaching students. A lot of students... Most of the school really."

Helena smiled behind her. "They've started calling themselves Amy's Army."

Snape raised an eyebrow. He had heard nothing of this. How could they keep it a secret? How had no teachers realised?

Amy smiled. "Which brings me to the next point. I plan to start recruiting from them. I wanted to ask. Would you like to teach DADA to them? Maybe even some potions or... dark arts too if you wanted."

He seemed shocked. In one day his life had changed completely. He was now being offered a new job training an illegal secret army. Still, Amy had done so much for him... Her cause was just... She was also set to eclipse her rivals in power.

He smirked. "Tonight has been full of surprises... I accept."

Amy smiled widely.

"Great! Thanks, Sev." She patted his back. "We still need to work out how to continue them. We're all dropping out this term..."

A few days later, Alexios entered. The goblins he had contacted wanted to speak to her. They set the Lovegood's house as the meeting place. It was loyal, magical and, most importantly, not a secret.

Alexios and Marco were waiting with a group of four goblins when Amy, Pansy, Ginny and Luna arrived.

Alexios bowed as she approached.

"Moon, allow me to introduce Bogrid-"

Amy smiled widely as she saw the proud looking goblin. "Ah! Bogrid! The leader of the Brotherhood of Goblins, correct? I was hoping to meet you soon. I have an offer."

"Oh?" He seemed intrigued. He had simply contacted the craftsmen to create her swords.

"You see... I intend to shake this world to its foundation. Voldemort wants to enslave us all while Dumbledore will maintain the status-quo. I will create a world where we are all equal. Vampires and mortals. Wizards and muggles. Humans and elves... Naturally, goblins are included in this global liberation. You represent goblin interests among the wizards. You are the closest thing to a leader for all your people. I wanted to offer a place among us. Will you join us in the fight?"

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