97. Sethi's New Diet

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Amy was eager for the next stage of the war. She knew that the next time they act, it would likely be the start of a global war bringing in muggle, vampire and wizard alike. Everything had to be perfect because, once the fighting starts, there might not be time left for anything else. So, there was one final piece she wanted to set up to ensure her checkmate. Sethi. Dragon's were... underwhelming and he was part of her now. He needed to be more, just as she was more than a simple vampire. He had grown big, he'd be the larges Hungarian Horntail recorded with a length of sixty-five foot. Still, legends of dragons always had them be monstrously big. She wanted him to be the most fearsome beast in the world... beside her.

For now, the goblins had finished his armour. The dragon was fully encased in a suit of goblin silver that would grow with him. The cost of this, even with the discounts, could buy several countries. She had dismantled several of her followers criminal empires, corporations and even state treasuries to pay for it but it was worth it. The metal was light enough that Sethi barely noticed it. The sharp spikes covering his body were coated, reinforced and sharpened in the armour. The suit allowed for full movement and even had a helmet with a display like the ones Amy and her childer had. For now, he used this to zoom in when reading human books so he didn't have to squint. The only place on his body, like Amy's basilisk form of the armour, was his mouth. Which, considering Harry had killed a basilisk through its mouth, was not comforting. Still, she was content that her soul was safe.

As for provoking further growth, Amy had an idea. She mentally asked Sethi to come to the city and for Helena to meet them both in the courtyard of the palace. Almost instantly, Sethi emerged from the large portal stone outside the palace. He must have been resting in his home. He quickly flew up and glided back down inside the courtyard. The presence of the dragon always drew the attention of the citizens of Aaru. Amy, waiting in the courtyard, smiled up at the dragon.

"Finally come to visit your mother? Too bad I had to invite you. You never call, you never visit. After I birthed you, clothed you, fed you..." Amy teasingly moaned.

"What are you talking about?" Sethi replied as he landed.

"Just pretending to be a mortal mother." Amy replied with a shrug, looking over her 'son' in his new armour. "Oh look at you... so dashing! I bet the dragon girls are all over you! Or the boys..?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Sethi snorted, nudging her with a claw. Amy was stronger than most but he knew the strength to use to make sure it was just a playful nudge. "Ugh, mum, what is up with you today? I'm going to have to tell Winks to take all your muggle media away..."

Amy laughed out loud and kissed his snout. It wasn't the same kissing armour instead of his scales. Sethi felt the same even though he didn't really feel it either way.

"So, this is the illusive dragon..." A voice called out from the edge of the courtyard. Bellatrix. Amy's dead heart fluttered and she still didn't know why the woman got her 'blood pumping' so much. Amy wanted the woman but she didn't know her. She'd just been a snack in prison and was a loyal follower of her enemy-ally. "You've done well to hide him. My old master used to be desperate to learn more."

Amy smiled at her and waved her closer. She spoke when the woman was closer. "This is him. Bella, meet Sethi. Sethi, Bella."

"My mum wants to fuck you." The dragon growled. Amy blushed and was glad that Bellatrix didn't have the mark yet. Herpo was still working on removing their Dark Marks. To the woman, the dragon just let out a rumbling noise.

"Sethi... you are so lucky she doesn't understand you." Amy mentally scolded. "What the fuck?"

Sethi smiled, or his version of a smile. "Just pretending to be a vampire son... mum." He replied, echoing her comment about being a mortal mum.

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