75. 'Date' With Ginny

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It took another few talks with Harry to build his confidence to ask Cho on a date. Once he did, she instantly accepted.

Meanwhile, Ginny came up with the plan for her date with Amy.

Ginny met Amy at the door to the tower on the morning of the Hogsmeade trip but, to Amy's surprise, they didn't head out. Instead, Ginny led her to the portal. She was carrying her broom. They then took the next portal of Sethi's lair, said a quick hello to the sleepy dragon and stepped outside. Ginny held out the broom so it floated in front of her and climbed on.

"Come on," she said. "Climb on!"

Amy raised a brow, smirked and climbed on behind her.

"Hold on tight!" Ginny called as they rapidly flew upwards.

"Gladly." Amy playfully said in the girls ear as she wrapped her arms around her waist. She smelled amazing, she was wearing a spicy perfume.

Once Amy had a secure hold, Ginny started flying west.

"So where are we going?" Amy called out over the wind.

"France." Ginny replied.

"Well that narrows it down..." Amy teased.

Ginny laughed. "Just enjoy the ride."

They flew in silence for a while. The wind was too loud to make conversation.

"Thank you, by the way." Ginny called out eventually. "For the broom, I mean."

"The broom?" Amy asked.

Ginny laughed. "Don't play innocent! I had an idea when you joined Ron to give it to me. He came clean recently. I think he felt guilty taking all the credit."

"Well, he did pay for a good chunk of it and it was his idea. I just helped him get a little something better." Amy called back.

"A 'little better', she says!" Ginny laughed. "The second best broom ever made is a 'little better'!"

Amy laughed. "Well, glad you like it."

"I love it."

The continued to their destination in silence again. Their short conversation was strained from having to shout over the wind.

The flight was relatively short. They must only be somewhere in the south-east of France. When Ginny began to descend, Amy looked around. All she could see were trees.

"What if I told you the Weasleys were originally from Gaul." Ginny called out. "They moved to Britain when the Romans invaded."

They now landed gracefully. Amy unwrapped her arms so they could both climb off. Ginny looked up to Amy.

"I hope this isn't weird but I know this type of this is interesting to you... I believe my ancestor, a druid, is still alive."

Amy almost choked. "Alive? They'd have to be thousands of years old..."

Ginny smiled. "Exactly!"

"But... how?"

"That's what I want to find out." She said with a smile.

Amy smiled broadly. Ginny was right, this was better than a conventional date. She looked around. The forest was dense, there was no sign of human life anywhere.

"Well... how do we find them?"

She smiled proudly and held up an old ring. It was crude by modern standards but still, it was a beautiful golden band with a swirling pattern on its surface.

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