60. Summer

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Despite the huge announcement, the group decided to continue on as they had been so far. There wasn't much to be done until contact had been established anyway.

It was only a few weeks until summer rolled around. The group didn't bother going to the train. There was no point. None of them had been seen much around school since they made their appearance in the great hall.

They were excited for summer. For once, they could visit their families regularly but also see their friends and use magic over the break.

Before the summer started and her use of magic would be tracked, she wanted to sort a new living situation for Sethi. He hadn't been able to fly in the tower for a while. His wingspan was too wide. He needed more space. Plus, she expected the Ministry to try and confiscate him, he needed to be away from her. She decided the Alps would be as good a place as any. There weren't many other dragons to threaten him and it was close to The Court. She took a portal to The Court with Sethi and, once they were outside, Amy grew her wings. The two flew until they found a cave high up and very hidden from muggles. It should be safe.

He landed and looked around. It was huge with a tall ceiling and a large entrance. If he ever outgrows it, he would be reaching record size. Still, Sethi was used to certain luxuries that other, wild, dragons may not. After she placed the teleportation circle, she set to work. She had a bag with a bottomless extension. She pulled out large pillows and wood. She used her wand to assemble a giant bed for him. She transfigured a part of the wall into a large fireplace and deciding to flex her 'magical muscles', cast the spell to create Gubraithian Fire, it should never go out. She was pleased to see that it worked.

Next, she used her wand to sculpt the stone of the large cave into something resembling a great hall. She added decoration to the walls. Large statues flanked the entrance which was now a grand stone door. One statue was a witch, the other a vampire in the robes common in The Court. A rose carved proudly into it. It was an enchantment she used a lot. Only those with the mark could open it. Sethi could come and go as he pleased but no one will get in if he doesn't let them. She poured gold from her bag and used her wand to turn it liquid. She flowed it into the grooves of the statues, the carvings on the walls, the grooves she had made in the floor and the rose on the door. Once in place, it solidified. Finally, she lit some torches with the everlasting fire and spread them around the chamber to provide light. It was a glorious home for him.

"So, Sethi, what do you think?" She asked him.

He looked around proudly before doing a gesture that Amy had learned was his version of a smile. "I approve. Thank you, mum." He replied. She smiled. She still loved that he saw her as his mother.

"If there is anything you need, you need simply only ask. We are still in constant contact. Winky or myself will bring you food daily but feel free to hunt. There is no such thing as overeating to a dragon." She said, smiling and stroking his cheek. "I can't believe my child is moving out already." She laughed, he grunted.

When she left, she felt almost empty to know he won't be living with them. Even though the portals meant that his cave was as easy to access as the next room, just knowing he wouldn't be curling in her lap in the tower anymore saddened her. Still, she was glad to know he was now able to stretch his wings, literally.

Once the summer had started, they all fell into a routine. They'd be with their families during the day and return 'home' at night. Amy visited Hermione's parents a few times. She'd been writing to them regularly since she had met them. They were about the furthest possible people from how she'd been raised but she loved them. They were always so warm and welcoming.

Luna had taken her to meet her father. He recognised the vampirism instantly. She didn't know how. Still, once Luna had explained to him that it was her choice and that she is happy he grew to accept it. Speaking to him, Amy realised where Luna got her love of the unknown from. He was fascinating to talk to and seemed interested when she proposed theories on the creatures he was speaking about. She also noticed he was wearing an amulet with the Deathly Hallows symbol. She showed him the resurrection stone which impressed him greatly. After she left she made a huge anonymous donation to The Quibbler, she knew Luna had mentioned he struggled sometimes. He suspected she sent it but never recieved a clear answer.

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