56. Victory

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When she reappeared with her friends, they were met with murmurs from the crowd. They all knew by now that she had killed Krum. Many didn't believe that he attacked first. She didn't care. One downside of Sethi joining was that he now returned with them. He climbed back up onto her which caused shrieks and gasps to spread among the crowd.

She approached Dumbledore who was walking towards her, concern on his face.

"Your friends told me before they left... He has returned?" He asked.

"Yes. I presented an alternative for the Death Eaters. I hope that I have sowed the seeds of discord." She said simply.

"Did you fight?" He asked, concerned.

She shook her head. "No. Frankly, I do not know who would win at the moment and neither of us would achieve anything permenant anyway. We simply spoke."

He sighed sadly and nodded. "I will make the announcement tomorrow. For now, enjoy your victory. I will try to smooth things over with the Ministry about Sethi but be prepared to deal with them."

She nodded and petted the dragon's head.

Bagman made the announcement that Amy had one the Triwizard Tournament. Some polite applause could be heard but mostly there was a loud uproar of muttering. She saw her uncles smiling widely and clapping. She winked at them.

Harry mentally explained to them that Moody wanted to speak to him privately. They thought it was weird but didn't mind.

Amy tured to the rest of her friends. Her girlfriends kissing her one by one. Dean and Seamus pulled her into a hug and Ron patted her on the shoulder.

"People are pissed that you killed Krum." Seamus said.

Dean nodded sympathetically. "To them, he was a celebrity and could do no wrong. They don't believe he tried to cruciate you."

"Fleur has defended you and so has Harry. A test of his wand showed the curse was used. Still, that's not enough evidence for some of them..." Hermione said with frustration.

"They will come around. They will see that you're good." Luna smiled.

Amy just shrugged. "Tomorrow, there will be bigger news anyway."

She was being called to stand on a stage and officially be announced as winner.

Reluctantly, she agreed. Everyone knew she won, why do mortals insist on 'making it official'?

She looked quite the impressive sight. Standing taller than everyone, holding the cup and with a dragon wrapped around her.

Bagman started to give a speech but she didn't care. She was talking mentally with her friends. When Bagman passed her some flowers she accepted them. When he offered a medal, she lowered her head to accept it but, otherwise, she was mentally checked out.

Towards the end of the speech, she and her friends noticed a burning sensation in their marks.

"Moody. Bad. Help." A strained Harry called out.

They all apparated without hesitation. They were in Moody's office. Harry was seated with a glazed expression. The group effortlessly restrained and tied Moody.

"What did you do?" Dean asked him.

No reply.

"Why?" Hermione asked.

No reply.

"There is something off about you..." Amy observed. "You always give me the impression that you're lying." The realisation dawned on her. "Severus has been complaining to me about missing ingredients... the ingredients are used for polyjuice potion... who are you..?"

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