107. Epilogue

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The following years were full of optimism. Over time, the muggle nations began to merge together. The world's economies, institutions and armies were all ultimately owned by Amy. One day Amy revealed the existence of the wizarding world to the muggles. The news was passed through the media that was owned by Amy. There was tension after the revellation but the clever wording of the media made it pallatable to the muggles. Once they had accepted the existence of magic, the revelation of vampires was accepted easier than Amy expected.

Technology was merged with magic throughout the world and a new golden age arrived. The world now faced the joys of unlimited resources, long life and good health. Despite the benefits of Amy's rule, it was clear that her rule was absolute. Any rebellious elements of society were quickly stomped out by Pansy's ever vigilant Inquisitors. Ginny's army, likewise, maintained its strict training program, preparing for the day when it would be needed again.

Shortly after the victory at Hogwarts, the first vampire to be born rather than turned appeared in the world. A sure sign of the new era that was now upon them. The child of Cho and Harry, a daughter named Amy Potter, was celebrated by vampires throughout the world as a symbol of a bright future ahead. Her 'aunt', the empress Amy, was greatly involved in her upbringing, as well as the child of Herpo and Eudoxia. The two children were seen with Amy often as they grew up and would, with time, be seen as the adoptive children of her as well as being considered the heir apparents of Amy's empire. Not that anyone expected her to die or abdicate... ever.

Amy's love for her girlfriends only ever deepened. At no point did her love waver or fade. Eventually, they were married in a grand ceremony. Tens of thousands attended the official wedding. Truthfully, they were already married in a small private ceremony, attended only by their closest friends.

Luna took her role of ensuring the good behaviour of the citizens seriously. However, as an overabundance of resources removed the concept of inequality, her role was needed less and less. She dedicated herself to her true passion, the discovery of the undiscoverable. Her research eventually led to the discovery of many unique creatures and she developed a reputation for being a misunderstood genius.

Helena never forgot the second chance Amy had given her at life. Her time as a ghost was something she tried never to look back on. Eventually she returned to visit the Bloody Baron and let him know exactly how he felt. Finally, she felt the power he had held over her psyche dissolved. She felt the power she now held over him. Old wounds healed and all of it was thanks to Amy. She took her role of healing seriously but took the greatest interest in the healing of minds, knowing the pain of being broken and scared.

Hermione emraced the opportunity they had to make the world a better place. She was particularly dedicated to offering knowledge and understanding freely to the world. She was responsible for the controversial reform that now allowed muggles to attend wizarding schools if they wanted to simply learn the theory of magic, even if they couldn't practice it. She spent a lot of time researching, working tirelessly to understand the world as deeply as possible. Often she could be found with Herpo, developing new types of magic.

Ginny struggled for a while with the tearing apart of the Weasley family. Grandfather, who had seen countless generations of Weasleys, die off helped her through the process of grieving. She searched for a while for her parents but, whenever they were found, she would give up the search. Instead she found joy in the family she did have. Ron and Ginny both rediscovered their love of quidditch and, eventually, founded a new team together: the Red Roses.

Pansy, with the dissolusion of the concept of 'pure-blood' finally felt a level of peace. The oppressive existence that had led to her breakdown was over. She directed her Inquisitors to destroy any ideology that claimed one group was superior to another. In typical Pansy fashion, she used oppression to destroy oppression. Her public displays of affection for Amy endeared her to the public but noone forgot her sinister reputation for making people disappear.

Bellatrix was never too far away from her new mistress. With the help of Helena, her mind was slowly healed. The traumas of her life and imprisonment were eventually lifted from her. Still, her eccentricities remained, much to Amy's delight.

Dean and Seamus faced the long path of recovery together. Dean, now leading a mortal existance was offered a philosophers stone to continue his life with his immortal lover. After centuries, the two, deciding they had now lived a good and full life agreed to continue their journey together, beyond the veil. After their deaths, they were memorialised and were never forgotten by Amy or their friends. Still, they were able to visit Aaru from time to time, sharing joy whenever the did.

Herpo and Snape realised that they actually had a lot in common during their time teaching at Hogwarts. Eventually the two joined in a research partnership, earning them both reputations for their incredible genius. Eventually Herpo's old reputation as a dark wizard who invented horcruxes and basilisks was forgotten and he was instead praised as the ever loyal advisor to Amy. Snape and Amy still continued to meet regularly to work on their latest potions discoveries together.

Sethi continued his role as the Devourer of Souls until he reached a size of 500m in length. From then, the souls only helped him maintain his size rather than provide further growth. Despite his monstrous size, he always was a child to Amy. The two would play and fly together no matter how many centuries passed. Eventually he revealed that he had fathered children with his own harem of dragons. Amy never wanted to consider how that was possible given the size difference. His children loved Amy as he did and Amy relished the chance to once again cuddle with a baby dragon.

Soot and Crookshanks, it turned out, had actually been working behind the scenes to avert a number of assassination attempts. They continued to work, eliminating threats to Amy before they arose until their deaths.

The members of the Legion of the Rose became like a large family. The members would always be there for each other, no matter how difficult.

The reign of Amy and her loves continued on and on waiting for the day when the Elders would wake up and begin the final era of humanity. No one really knew when or even if that day would come or what it would mean. Still, Amy hoped for the day when she would meet Anubis again and share all that she had seen and done.

Until they awoke, the light of the Moon continued to guide humanity, until the dawn of a new era.

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