55. The Third Task

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Leading up to the final task, Harry and Amy spent most days training together. Amy wouldn't usually prepare for the task but she promised to help Harry make it to the end. Part of that involved making sure he could defend himself.

On the morning of the task, the champions were called to meet their family that had come to visit. Harry and Amy didn't bother going. Who would visit them? Nevertheless, as they were sitting at the Gryffindor table at breakfast, Fleur tapped them on the shoulders.

"Your family is waiting for you." She said with a kind smile.

"Family?" They both asked confused. Had Vlad and Marco really come? Had the Dursleys really come?

They followed her to the room where they were meeting. Inside, Fleur went over to her waiting mother and daughter. The two smiled and waved at Amy. Krum was in the corned talking to his parents. They glared at Amy but resumed talking quietly.

Mrs Weasley and Bill Weasley were waiting for Harry. He smiled widely when he saw that they'd come to visit him. By a fireplace, Amy was Marco and Vlad who turned to face her. Vlad with a small reserved smile. Marco beaming widely before calling out, "Ahm- Amy!"

"Uncles!" She said with a smile, approaching them to hug them one at a time. They would usually bow but thought it would look unusual considering they were supposed to be muggles. "What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you?"

Marco laughed, "What, Ahm-y, can we not just visit to cheer you on?"

She smiled. "Of course you can! I just didn't know you were coming. If Fleur didn't come to get us, I wouldn't have come here."

Vlad smiled and sighed, "Marco insisted it be a surprise..."

Marco leaned close to speak quietly. "And how is my favourite fire-breathing great-nephew?"

Amy laughed. "He is great!" She leaned even closer. "He now had part of my soul. Not in the vampire way like with Soot but a wizard way, I actually split my soul and put some in him. I am now extra immortal." She winked.

Marco grinned widely and Vlad seemed intrigued.

"Interesting, you will have to explain more..." Vlad said thoughfully.

"I will... at home. The wizards regard it as the darkest magic possible, better to say less here."

He grinned too and nodded understandingly.

They talked for a while. Amy quietly explained the new additions to her 'clan' including subtly gesturing to Harry's arm. Throughout the day she showed them around the castle, introduced them to her vampires and showed off the resurrection stone. Come late afternoon, the champions were all asked to gather.

She left the two with the girls. They would all be spectating together. She arrived at the quidditch pitch to find the other champions were already there. She smiled at Harry. The stands were slowly filling with people.

Hagrid, Professor Moody, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick approached and explained that they'd be patrolling outside the maze and will rescue anyone who sends red sparks into the air.

The order of the champions was announced. Amy had a clear lead with 120 points. Harry second with 85. Fleur third with 55 and Krum last with 50.

When she was signalled to enter, Amy mentally spoke to Harry.

"I will wait inside, I will take the first left and see you there."

"See you inside." He replied.

It didn't take long until he entered and met with her. They took off at a run. They couldn't be seen working together, so needed to get a move on before Fleur and Krum entered.

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