25. Called to Dumbledore's Office

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The same evening they were called to Dumbledore's office. They expected it. The implication of what they'd done suggested some kind of dark magic but they'd agreed to say absolutely nothing about the process. Hermione was nervous. Amy knew one of her biggest fears was being expelled but Helena reassured her that she wouldn't let that happen.

Outside the gargoyle they saw McGonagall waiting for them sternly. At the sight, Hermione held onto Amy's arm tightly.

"It'll be alright," Amy whispered, kissing her head.

"Come along girls, we're waiting." McGonagall said firmly and guided them in.

"We?" Pansy asked.

McGonagall didn't reply, instead just guided them up the stairs. Inside the office they found Dumbledore standing behind his desk with the heads of house: Professors Sprout, Snape, Flitwick and now McGonagall standing on either side.

"Welcome girls, please sit." Dumbledore offered kindly, Amy and Helena could tell this kindness was not entirely sincere. Nevertheless, they obliged and took seats in front of the standing teachers.

"Professors, how can we help?" Amy asked sweetly.

"Will you tell us how you did it?" Dumbledore asked simply.

"No." Amy replied just as simply.

"I assumed as much." Dumbledore said, not sounding surprised.

"Headmaster, you can't seriously give up that easily!" McGonagall exclaimed indignantly, Flitwick and Sprout joining in with protests. "We can only assume some kind of monstrous magic was performed. We know what she is." She pointed at Amy.

"You told them, professor?" Amy asked Dumbledore, sounding offended. "I thought you said you'd keep my secret."

"It was relevent. Tell me, honestly. Was your particular magic used?" Dumbledore asked Amy.

"No. It was entirely witchcraft. Some ingredients harvested from me were used though." She replied honestly.

"It's true. Although, we used too much. I am now a vampire." Helena joined. They'd agreed not to keep that part a secret from Dumbledore. He'd been understanding with Amy and it might help throw them off the trail of what they'd done.

Another uproar among the professors.

McGonagall was the first to speak up, "Headmaster, already at only sixteen, these girls have performed magic never before seen. They've turned one of our founder's daughers into a vampire. Then, there's the matter of their marks, we can all feel the dark magic in them. I worry that we're in the presence of the next Dark Lord."

Amy scoffed but before she could speak, Snape intervened. "A new Dark Lord? Really? Are we now punishing talent? These girls have performed an incredible feat of magic. I can personally vouch for Amy's keen and inquisitive nature. I daresay she's taught me as much about potions as I have her. You, yourself, have always praised miss Granger but now that she's performing magic beyond your talents, you will turn against her? Headmaster, Professor Flitwick, you both have always held a soft spot for Helena but suddenly after a millenium of service, she is untrustworthy?"

Dumbledore held up a hand to silence them all. "I'm inclined to agree, Severus. There is no evidence that any illegal magic was used. Dark? Perhaps. Illegal? No. We can't punish ambitious students based solely on suspicion."

"Thank you Professor." Amy smiled. "While I have you all here though," she continued, eager to maintain the momentum, "there is an issue that I believe can be resolved."

"While you have us?" McGonagall raised an eyebrow.

Amy nodded sweetly. "Well, Pansy and I are bullied horribly in the Slytherin dorms." She feigned sadness. "Hermione often feels isolated in the Gryffindor tower when Ron and Harry decide on their whims that they are upset with her. Besides, their constant parties interrupt her studies." The girls were looking at her confused. They knew by now to go along with what Amy was doing. "Then, there's Helena. Is she really expected to just join a bed in the Ravenclaw tower? She'd never get a moment of peace. Plus, I'm already raising suspicion by never sleeping. The Ravenclaws are smarter than Slytherins, they'll suspect something with Helena never sleeping."

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