26. Rat Catching

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The next day, Amy went to see her first quidditch match. It was a lot more violent than she expected and, to be honest, she didn't have a clue what was happening. Harry always seemed to be ignoring the ball but eventually everyone was cheering around him and lifting him up. What the hell was happening. Apparently Gryffindor won because he'd caught another ball that was in play.

After the match the girls congratulated him, even Amy and Pansy who were technically still Slytherins. They didn't join in the party at Gryffindor though, there were exams coming and Hermione and Amy had an incredible work load to catch up after their extra studies. They were still worried about Amy's vision but they'd prepared as much as possible. Hermione had nearly quit Divination but seeing her girlfriend actually successfully use a crystal ball convinced her to continue.

The two girls were tutoring Pansy, teaching the material made for a nice revision method and helped their friend out too. They also learned that Buckbeak's appeal was due to take place on the final day of the exams. As much as they wanted to help Hagrid prepare, they simply didn't have enough time.

The four girls were a powerhouse together, they filled in each others gaps in knowledge and by the end of the week, they were sure they'd breezed through the exams. After the DADA exam on the final day, the girls met up with Harry and Ron for lunch.

As they walked through the hall they saw a man looking out over the grounds, the Minister.

"Hello there, Harry!" he said. "Just had an exam, I expect? Nearly finished?"

"Yes," said Harry. The others loitering awkwardly behind, not really knowing the minister.

"Lovely day," said Fudge, casting an eye over the lake. "Pity... pity..."

He sighed deeply and looked down at Harry.

"I'm here on an unpleasant mission, Harry. The Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures required a witness to the execution of a mad Hippogriff. As I needed to visit Hogwarts to check on the Black situation, I was asked to step in."

"Does that mean the appeal's already happened?" Ron interrupted, stepping forwards.

"No, no, it's scheduled for this afternoon," said Fudge, looking curiously at Ron.

"Then you might not have to witness an execution at all!" said Ron stoutly. "The Hippogriff might get off!"

Amy scoffed, "the ministry dogs are kneeling at Malfoy's foot, Ron. Look at him, he's already decided."

The minister frowned, "You know nothing, girl." She sneered. Before Fudge could continue, two wizards came through the castle doors behind him.

"woof woof" Amy mimiked a yappy dog bark. Pansy, Ron and Harry snickered, Hermione and Helena whacked her shoulders from either side of her.

That afternoon Amy had a Muggle Studies and a Divination exam, scheduled for the same time. No problem with their time turner.

The divination exam involved a crystal ball again. Amy was nervous, her last exam filled her with dread.

"Take your time, now... then tell me what you see within it..." Trelawney said airily.

Eventually she started to see forms in the ball. "Buckbeak will lose his appeal. He will survive. Sirius Black will be caught. He will escape again. Hermione will get hurt..." She choked back tears. "She is dying..." She sobbed. "I'm sorry I can't go on..."

Trelawney seemed taken aback that someone had actually seen something during the exam. "No, no. That was perfect dear. Go, be with her..."

When she left the exam she found Hermione and cried into her. "I saw it again, I saw you dying. We should have prepared harder."

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