2. A Whole New World

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Once they were outside the cave, she looked up in wonder at the stars. She had never seen anything so beautiful. The glittering sky looked magical. The air whisked by, a breeze she had never felt before gently pushing past her. The mountains around them of a scale she had never witnessed. Then she saw the glow of the lights of the human settlement she new existed nearby. Every new sight was a new wonder. Despite her attempts to control it, a tear managed to escape. This was a new beginning.

Marco, after giving her a moment, escorted her to their carriage, pulled by four thestrals. She loved the creatures, they were brought into the cave sometimes when the weather was too bad and she would always visit them. They held a certain magesty in their stance and their attitude.

The travel from the Alps to Hogwarts was long and in silence, they travelled the whole night, Amy watching with amazement at all the sights as they flew by. By time they approached, the sun was rising. Despite closing the curtains on their carriage, they developed slight headaches. Once they fed from the bottles they brought, this was relieved. However, as they landed, the sun was high in the sky. Marco took out two umbrellas, opening one up and passing it to her.

"Take it, it doesn't completely relieve it but it's a hell of a lot better than being directly exposed."

She nodded in understanding.

"Well then, here we are." He announced cheerfully, opening the door and holding up his umbrella as he stepped out. Turning around, he offered out his hand to help her down. Taking his hand gently, she followed him looking in awe at the castle. It was smaller than her fathers, but to see it contrasted against a blue sky rather than a cave wall somehow made it seem much more impressive. She had never seen architecture like it. She was told that their palace was designed along an ancient design from Egypt, where her father was from. This was very different. There were tall towers, intricate sculptures, thick walls. Was she ever going to stop being awed by it all?

Eventually she saw a man, he had a long beard, long hair, wearing a fine robe and a pointed robe. And the seamstress called her a cliche. Worst of all, he was old. Of all the things she knew of mortals, aging was by far the most disgusting. Marco stepped ahead. "Albus! How have you been?" he called out holding out his hand.

The old man, Albus, took the hand in a firm handshake. "Very well Marcus! This is the girl?" he replied, looking over to Amy, who stepped closer.

"Yes sir, I am Ahmose." She said, before remembering the mortal custom of holding hands on meeting. She took his hand, interlacing their fingers, then looked at him in the eye.

Marco and Dumbledore looked at her in amusement before Dumbledore gently moved their hand into a handshake and replied, "A pleasure to meet you Ahmose. I'm sorry I don't believe I know your surname."

A surname? She didn't have one. Everyone she knew, knew who her father was.

Marco was quick to reply, "Armati, sir", quickly offering his own surname.

"A pleasure to meet you Ahmose Armati, I am Albus Dumbledore." He smiled before letting go of her hand. "Shall we head inside?"

Marco stayed with her for the rest of the day while she was showed around. The summer break had just started so the school was empty. Until she was sorted, she was given a bedroom adjacent to Dumbledores. At her and Marco's request, she was given a windowless room. As much as the view was awing her, the sun was driving her crazy already. There was a bed, but there was no need, she never slept. She was shown the room in the dungeons where her feeding thralls were kept, she gave specific instructions on their care. She liked them to be fed luxuriously and exercised frequently, it gave the blood a better flavour. Aparantly, rather than zombies, wizards used elf slaves to look after them. She thought this was cruel.

It had been decided that only Dumbledore will be told of her nature to avoid any pushback and for her safety.

As they were sitting in his office, saying their goodbyes to Marco at the end of the day, a lonely feeling suddenly crept over Ahmose. She was now about to be entirely apart from The Court. She suddenly had an urge to repeat what her father showed her. She approached Marco and wrapped him in a tight hug. He seemed taken back but smiled and wrapped his arms around her.

"Visit me, won't you? You and Vlad?" She asked, her voice cracking slighly. "Alexios can stay at home though" She finished with a joke.

Marco chuckled as he pulled back to look at her, "Of course dear, we'll visit before the end of the year."

They pulled apart and gave a respectful bow before he turned on his heel and departed.

"Well then" said Dumbledore, breaking the silence, "The sun is going down but I have contacted my friend Mr Ollivander, he will stay open for us. Shall we get you a wand?"

Ahmose couldn't contain her excitement. The more she read about them, the more fascinating these wands seemed.


They aparated to Diagon Alley, making her feel nauseous.

Dumbledore looked down to her with a smile. "The first few times aparating always makes people feel ill. You'll get used to it."

So this was how mortals obtained items. Shops they were apparently called, exchanging gold for goods. Bizzare. They made their way to Ollivanders shop, Dumbledore heading in first. As the two men were greating her, they were interrupted by a wand flying off the shelf towards the door. Amy caught it before it hit her, it felt comfortable to hold.

"My my, that makes this easier." Ollivander chuckled. "It seems your wand has chosen you, quite desperately, I might add."

"Indeed, it seems this wand was instantly drawn to her. This is Ahmose Armati, a new exchange student." Dumbledore introduced.

"A pleasure to meet you, young lady, I'm Garrick Ollivander. Please come over here so I can take a look at this eager wand."

With a shy smile, she stepped into the room and handed the wand to Ollivander.

"Hmm, 14", reasonably pliable, Yew. A rare wood, notorious to the uninformed, said to give powers over life and death. They only chose unusual witches and wizards and definitely never the mediocre. Oh, and a thestral tail hair core, I was unaware I had any of these around. Incredibly difficult to make wands with, very powerful but hard to master. Only those who know death will excell with this wand." He looked at her over curiously before smiling. "Mistress Armati, this wand will serve you extremely well if you master it. I daresay, it will raise some eyebrows, being so intertwined with death in the public mind."

As he handed it back, she looked at it. It was nearly white, looking almost like bone. It the main wand was thin and straight, while the handle was also quite narrow with some hollowed grooves. She was told it was a design to allow for a custom handle to be added. She loved it.

"Thank you." She said with a slight bow before Dumbledore paid for the wand and the two left.

Now, Miss Armati, I believe we should arrange your funds. Marco arranged a transfer of gold to be transferred into usable currency. We'll head to Gringotts bank to finalise this now.

It was late evening by time they returned to Hogwarts. It turns out she was now rich, her father had sent a significant value in gold for her. Dumbledore wanted to get an owl but she insister her raven would be more than capable of doing anything an owl can. After learning of her wealth, she returned to Ollivanders and commissioned a new handle for her wand. She requested a smooth obsidian handle inlaid with a gold depiction of a scarab with her name in hieroglyphs (which she had to draw for him) inside and topped a smooth round carnelian pommel. He was taken back by her unusual and expensive request but obliged and said it would be sent to her in two weeks time.

Finally, Dumbledore had gone to bed, she was alone. After a quick snack on her thralls, she decided to pay a visit to the library. She was glad to find that potions was largely the same as her understanding, although, the mortals seemed to be lagging. Their books explained how to make ok potions, but never great. With nothing else to do and no need to sleep, she spent the rest of the night studying the course material. And so began Amy's first night at Hogwarts.

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