50. The 'Emancipation' of Winky

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The next day Harry wanted to visit Dobby so Amy, Hermione and Luna tagged along. Once they were in the kitchen, they found Dobby and Harry handed him a new pair of socks.

"Harry Potter is too good to Dobby!" he squeaked, wiping a tear as he did.

"You saved my life with that Gillyweed, Dobby, you really did," said Harry.

"Dobby, where's Winky?" Amy asked.

"Winky is over there by the fire, miss," said Dobby quietly, he gestured to the elf by the fire. She had a number of butterbeer bottles around her, swaying slightly in her seat.

"Winky is getting through six bottles a day now," Dobby continued.

"Well, it's not strong, that stuff," Harry said.

But Dobby shook his head. "'Tis strong for a house-elf, sir," he said.

"Winky is pining, Harry Potter," Dobby whispered sadly. "Winky wants to go home. Winky still thinks Mr Crouch is her master, sir, and nothing Dobby says will persuade her that Professor Dumbledore is her master now."

"Mi, Luna, we're taking Winky to the tower." Amy said decicively. "Look at her. I know we agreed no kidnapping but I'm sure I can get her to come willingly."

Luna smiled dreamily.

Hermione sighed, "I think you're right. She'll just end up killing herself at this rate."

The girls left the boys with Dobby and they approached the drunk elf.

"Hi, Winky. How're you?" Amy spoke.

She looked at the girls before sobbing slightly and weakly grunting.

"Hello Winky. Would you like to come and live in our tower?" Luna spoke kindly, kneeling in front of the elf to be at eye level. "You can work there if you want."

"You is wanting Winky?" The elf asked in disbelief. "But Mr Crouch needs me."

"Mr Crouch is doing very well, Winky. I hear he has a number of elves looking after him now." Amy lied. The truth was, all signs pointed to Crouch doing awfully.

"Mr Crouch is doing ok without Winky?" The elf asked in disbelief. She looked a mixture of relieved and somewhat hurt.

"Yes, Winky. He will be fine. We would like you to work for us. Would you be willing?"

"You won't try to pay Winky, will you?" Winky asked cautiously.

"Not if you don't want it." Hermione reluctantly agreed.

"But Winky is working for Mr Dumbledore now."

"We can speak to Dumbledore. I'm sure he will agree to release you to us." Amy said with a smile.

"Winky will have a master again?" She seemed in disbelief. "But Winky is a bad elf."

"I actually think you are a good elf who was in an unfortunate situation." Hermione spoke, trying not to accuse Crouch.

Winky blinked in silence a few times. "OK, we can speak to Mr Dumbledore and Winky will work for you." She smiled for the first time since they'd met her.

Convincing Dumbledore was easy. He knew the elf was struggling and that the three girls were working to help elves. The girls felt a little dirty at the idea of having a slave but it was the only way to work on breaking Winky's chains.

"Now, Winky," Amy said as they made their way to the tower. "I need you to promise you will tell no one about what you see inside this tower."

"Of course, Miss. Winky isn't telling anyone the business of her masters. Winky is a good elf."

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