100. A Mortal Return

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After the dust had settled from their victory it felt right to pay a visit to their friend who didn't make it. It was late at night when Amy decided to visit the tomb of Dean. His death had sparked the chain of events that had led to the shadow wars they had been fighting. The large room felt so peaceful. In the large space, there was only Amy and the tomb of her friend.

"Hey Dean, I miss you. We all do... Merlin, I'd love nothing more than to hear one of your stupid jokes about me and my girlfriends. I miss the way you'd take everything with a smile and a laugh. I miss the way you'd make Mione blush or Pansy Cackle."

She sighed, was it stupid to talk to the cold obsidian tomb like this? She continued.

"We've been working to set the world right. Those people that killed you are hunted constantly. Seamus..." She felt sick when she stopped to think what she turned her friend into. She tried to bury the feeling again. He wanted this. She was just helping him out. "He's broken, Dean. He hasn't spoken since that day. He loved you so much... I wanted to help him, Dean... What if... What if the others were right? What if I could help him some other way? What if revenge wasn't what he needed? Your boyfriend was hurting, Dean, and I twisted that into something worse."

She sobbed openly. There was no one there to see her. She could finally stop to think about her friend.

"We even stopped calling him Seamus. He's Phobos now... It's like both of you died that day. Neither of you deserved this. You were both some of the purest souls I'd ever known... And it's all my fault."

She wailed, tears flowing freely. The stupid feeling of talking to stone faded. It felt relieving to say all this out loud.

"Fuck you Dean! Fuck you for dying! You broke my fucking heart! You were like a brother to me! You were there for me and Mione when it felt like the world was against us. You and Seamus should have been with us when we get married."

She let out a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I love you..."

"Aww I love you too!" A familiar voice called out from somewhere off to the side.

She looked towards the sound. Was she hallucinating?

"You! You're dead! Really dead! Your soul was destroyed!"

"I lived bitch." He replied with a teasing smile.

"But... how? By Osiris, I've missed you!" She ran towards him and threw her arms around his neck. He was real. Dean was standing in front of her. She was hugging him. Really hugging him.

"You remember when you breached the veil? You met your mortal souls?"

"Oh..!" Amy was piecing it together.

"My immortal soul was destroyed. But I wasn't present when I died."

"So... you're his mortal soul?"


"Do... do you remember anything?"

"Only a little. When that part of me was destroyed, my memories after I was turned were scattered to the winds, so to speak. Some found their way to me but... there are gaps."

"Why... why didn't you come to us before?"

"I wanted to... When I came I saw what had become of Seamus and... I couldn't bear to face him."

"He really needs you, Dean."

"I know... I just... don't know how to fix him. I love him but trauma like that is too much for even me to fix."

"For now... you need a body. A real body. Don't worry, we don't need a bone from your father like we did for Helena. My magic has grown a lot since then."

"Sure... Can you keep this quiet for now. At least until I'm ready to officially reveal myself to our friends again. I want to speak to Seamus before any of the others."

"Of course. For now though, come with me. We'll restore your body."

The two spent the rest of the afternoon in a private area of the palace discussing everything from recent events to how they'll deal with Seamus.

It turned out that, because Dean's immortal part of his soul had died, he could no longer become a vampire. He was no fully a mortal. The only hope of a long life was for him to use a philosophers stone. Grandfather could help with that, when the time came.

When evening finally rolled around, Phobos had returned from his mission. He had been sent to deal with an outpost of the Order that had been discovered. He was their ultimate enforcer when they wanted a problem to be completely eradicated. There were never any survivors when Phobos was sent. His reputation as Amy's Monster was well founded. Once he arrived in Aaru he instinctively made his way back to his mistress' side. Somehow he always knew how to find her. It was something that wasn't put into his programming and, as far as she knew, there was no magical connection to tell him where she is but, somehow, he always knew.

She knew he was back. She could sense him. She and Dean waited patiently. The lumbering beast that was Seamus always moved silently. They only knew he was there when the door opened. The second he appeared in the doorway, he froze. The giant frame revealing nothing behind the helmet that seemed to express nothing but cold distain. The only sign of emotion was something Amy hadn't seen since Seamus had become Phobos. He was swaying. Swaying as though he might faint. She approached cautiously but quickly.

As she placed his arm over her shoulder and wrapped an arm around his enormous waist, she whispered to him that it was ok, he was real.

Meanwhile, Dean took careful steps forward. "Seamus... My love..." Was all he could say between tears.

Amy guided the giant to a chair and let him sit. It was the first she'd even seen him sit since he had become Phobos. Dean took a seat opposite but leaned forward to place a hand on the gauntleted hand of his lover.

"Pho- Seamus. It's ok. He is real. I have given him a body. He's here to stay. Your Dean is back."

The giant breathed heavily in and out, in and out. The only sign being the air escaping his helmet. The heavy breaths were growing increasingly rapid.

"I'll let you two speak. I'll be nearby. Seamus... You don't have to be a monster anymore. Just... listen to Dean, OK?" Amy said, placing a hand on the armoured shoulder. She didn't expect a reply. "I love you both. I'll be just down the hall."

She waited. All night she waited for them to emerge from the room. It was late in the morning when the door opened. Dean's eyes were red, his face puffy from tears. Still, the tears were dry, his arm was around the lumbering body of his lover, a small smile on his face when he saw Amy.

"Morning..." He said as they approached. "We've got a lot more rebuilding to do but... my Seamus is in there. We'll climb our way back, together."

Amy welled up a little with tears. "I'm so glad. Seamus... I- I'm sorry for... what I did to you..."

"Aaaa....meeee..." Seamus spoke, for the first time that Amy had heard since the incident. "Thank... You..."

She wasn't sure if he was thanking for making him a monster or for apologising. One day she was sure she'd find out but for now, it was clearly too hard for him to speak.

Despite all the pain, Amy's heart leaped with joy that the two lovers were reuinited. Her two friends would return.


A little treat for chapter 100!

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