6. The Forbidden Forest

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Amy wasn't in the mood to go read some books and as calming as she found Helena, she couldn't rely on her all the time. She was scared of accidentally pushing her away. She decided to finally take a walk towards the Forbidden Forest. She'd been avoiding it until now. As much as she was still awed by the outside world, the forest scared her. It was so alien to her. So much life in one area.

With a whistle she called her raven, Soot. She often enjoyed the company of Soot, the bird was always curious, always alert. Soot found her way into their cave 10 years ago, Amy took an instant liking to the bird. A month later a blood ritual was conducted. Soot would like as long as Amy did, they also were able to communicate as long as they were in physical contact. As soon as Soot landed on her shoulder, she heard her.

"Ahmose, what's wrong? Have the mortals been cruel?"

"I'm going to kill someone Soot, its only the first day and I've wanted to lash out twice. How am I going to live with these idiots for a year. No, several years! They seem to hold some bizzare view that your ancestors influence your worth as a person."

"A shame, but remember, you are better than them. Do you really care what these mortals think of you? You are here to learn. One day, you'll crush them all but until that day, do not let them see behind the mask." The bird scolded. Soot always reminded her of her 'role', she was to be the rising moon, the birth of a new era. In many ways the two were one soul in two bodies, they had taken part of each other into themselves, although Amy knew the bird represented the less human parts of herself, the less empathetic.

Amy just hummed as they entered the forest. It was beautiful in a way she hadn't known before. The life all around, the constant noises made by the leaves in the wind and small animals in the undergrowth. She looked up to the moon emitting a soft glow through the trees. Being there felt unnerving but freeing at the same time. After a moment revelling in the feeling, she set off deeper into the forest.

After a while she heard a familiar huff, Thestrals. Excited to see the creatures she loved again she looked around. Even with her hightened sense, she nearly missed them but now she was focused, she heard the faint noises of heartbeats from behind a thick group of trees. Once she approached she was greeted by a small foal looking up to her. Her heart melted.

"Hello, little guy" She said warmly, holding out a hand for it to smell. She looked around, there was a whole family of the creatures keeping an eye on her and approaching cautiously. Her attention was pulled back to the foal when is suddenly nuzzled against her hand. She quickly turned it to stroke the cute little creatures face. Soon enough she was approached by the rest, seeing how gentle she was with them, they all seemed to want some of the same affection she showed to the foal. With a giggle she moved among them, admiring the creatures, stroking them and eventually sitting among them. Her sour mood melting in the presense of the animals.

After an hour, she could sense another creature approaching. Soon after, the thestrals sensed it too and quickly ran off further into the forest. Amy stayed where she was. She was confident she could handle any creature that lived in the forest and, frankly, could do with a fight to relieve some frustration.

However, instead of a threat, a black dog stepped from the fern underbrush. A large dog, but a dog nonetheless. She relaxed with a small laugh and held out a hand for the animal.

"There's something off about this dog but I can't quite tell what. I don't think it'll be a threat though." Soot said, eyeing the approaching animal carefully.

"I agree, something about its smell, its heartbeat, its eyes." Amy replied.

Regardless, they let the dog approach which, without even sniffing her hand, nuzzled up to her. Now that it was closer she could properly look at him. He was skinny, really skinny.

She hummed concerned as she stroked him. Pulling back to look at his face she thought out loud, "Oh dear boy, where have you been? You need to eat, surely you can find something to hunt here."

The dog just whined.

"Hey, don't complain to me! I'm not the one who hasn't been hunting!" She laughed, before thinking. Why not, she'll go get something to eat for the dog. "Wait here boy. Stay."

He looked at her, turning his head to the side as she walked away. Once she turned her back on it, she heard the light footsteps behind her. Facing back to the dog, she found him right behind her.

"No, stay here, I'll be back." She said more sternly this time. Again, as soon as she walked, she heard the familiar footsteps. She sighed, "alright then, come on boy."

Focusing her senses, it didn't take long to hear the heartbeat and breaths of a large animal. A deer. She looked to the dog, holding her finger over her lips to which the dog replied by tilting its head. Amy was confident she could get close to the deer, her footsteps made virtually no noise. Still, she didn't want to risk it. Once she was nearby, she rushed forward using her hightened speed, growing her claws out as she did so. With one quick movement she grabbed the deers throat and ripped it out. The dog watched in shock. One moment he was beside the strange girl, then moments later, with movements so fast he couldn't keep track, she was standing over the dying animal, her wrist covered in blood. He shied away slightly.

She laughed when she saw the dog looking scared. "Come on now, you're supposed to be a predator, no wonder you're skinny." She said gesturing it over.

Shyer than any dog she'd ever seen, the animal slowly approached. "Whats wrong, we were friends earlier? Come, eat." She rolled her eyes, why was this animal so scared? Surely it hasn't survived out here without seeing worse. While she waited, she held up the chunk of meat in her hand up to Soot who began picking at it eagerly.

The dog looked down at the body for a while, Amy could have sworn she saw a look of disgust on the dogs face. Reluctantly, the dog began to eat.

"Good boy, now I've got to get back to school. Make sure you eat! You're a hunter, better start behaving like one!" She laughed before walking away. The dog didn't dare look at her.

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