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Izuku's body immediately went into survival mode. His head whipped around, ignoring the massacre before him. "What was it?!"

"I didn't see it..." Yaoyorozu was wide-eyed, her face pale with shock.

The two were standing in a massive cavern, the ceiling so far above them that the darkness hid it from view. If there was anything with them in the room, they wouldn't be able to spot it. The only reason they had seen the dead bodies was that their gear was imbued with mana and had a slight glow for caverns just like this.

"W-Where'd the Gate go?" She asked.

Izuku gritted his teeth, trying to fight off the shudders running through his body.

There were two options here. Either the group had died to a trap, or they had died to something that was so fast, so nimble, that the human eye couldn't track it.

"We'd already be dead..." Izuku muttered, deciding neither option made sense, unless the trap was motion activated, but they had moved since the Gate closed, so that option was less likely as well.

He stumbled forwards, snatching up one of the fallen swords, a magic weapon, glowing with energy.

"Unless you've figured out how to create enchanted weapons with your Quirk, you should grab one of those."

"I-I'm a healer though..."

"Well you're still an A-Rank, four Ranks above me. If you swing hard enough with one of those swords you'd probably cut through a building. I might be able to cut a car in half. Big difference."

Yaoyorozu hesitantly scooped up one of the thinner swords, showing a clear hesitancy with the blade, her grip fumbling.

"Okay... okay okay..." Izuku tried to calm his breathing. "We just walk straight until we find a wall and then follow it to the boss room and hope that it reopens the portal when it dies. This is a D-Rank Gate, so even an A-Rank on their own should be able to handle it just fine. Right, Yaoyoro...zu?" He looked up from his pondering, to see the girl stifling sobs, her face, already white with terror, had somehow gotten even paler.

It wasn't just shock making her cry with fear. Her eyes were fixed behind Izuku... on something behind Izuku.

Like a metal neck rusted from air and salt water, Izuku's neck creaked around in slow jolting movements, his entire body alight with a sensation that stabbed at his very soul... Death.

In the darkness of the cavern, just a few feet above the ground was the giant face of a moving statue, with glowing eyes, and a horrific sadistic smile. There was no way to better describe it than "ungodly."

It was Izuku's turn for his throat to be choked with cries of fear as his gaze met the giants. A stone creature decorated with otherworldly adornments, it was nothing less than a royal executioner.

"Where... are its... feet..." Beset with such a horrific face, seemingly floating in mid-air, even Izuku's thoughts slowed to a crawl. But before he could comprehend the way the statute was positioned, he was plunged into darkness once more, the lights of the eyes going dark.

"Y-Y-Yao-Yao... Momo... b-back to back..." Izuku said, pressing his shoulder blades up against hers, feeling her tremble, or perhaps it was his own body shaking with fear.

It was true evil, revealing itself, only to hide once more, and make its victims guess at where their fate would come from.


Izuku couldn't feel his body anymore. So chill with fear it had gone numb. Directly above him, he heard the telltale click-clack of something walking on the ceiling. And in the darkness, he could ever so slightly make out a long spindly shape moving around.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now