The World Watches

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Thankfully, despite being left behind after Izuku teleported to Jeju, Momo wasted no time calling upon Kaisel and getting everyone aboard as the shapeshifter changed to her Raptor form for pure speed. They'd reach Jeju within just a couple of minutes.

"What's the situation?!" Momo yelled over the roar of the wind. She had created a small dome over Kaisel's back so that no one would get thrown off by the sheer force of the wind. But it was still loud enough to mess with her hearing.

"Endeavor's being a dumb fuck!" Takashi shouted back as he looked at the bodies of the top ten. Decades of work thrown away for mere greed. Decades of accumulating S-Ranks and keeping them alive, keeping them safe for the sake of the world. All of it was flushed down the toilet because of one man's ambition. If Takashi was an S-Rank himself, he wouldn't have hesitated to try and kill Endeavor with his bare hands.

But after getting out his shout of rage, Takashi got back to business, explaining Endeavor's plans and the jets above the Jeju Mountain. "We've got at least seven S-Ranks confirmed dead, possibly two more on top of that. The queen is dead, but there's something on the island, something way stronger than anything Japan has encountered as a country."

"Yeah, Izuku sensed it, he's already on the island, we're on our way." Momo was going to use their code names of Monarch and Empress, but Takashi apparently already knew both of their real names. After all, if he was calling Izuku, he knew his true identity.


"Oh right. Myself and Izuku were inside a Dungeon, we picked up three friendly... well technically Villains, but they're not actually Villains. One demon-type, one angel-type, and one... demon-angel hybrid. Let the Jeju teams know that they're here to help evacuate and defend the survivors."

Takashi went silent for a moment. "I refuse to cooperate with Villains."

Momo grumbled. "They're not Villains, they're just..." She turned to Merrix, Quorra, and Momo. "What should I call you guys so you don't sound so evil?"

"Chaos Inhabitants," Quorra answered. "It's the home of all Villains, as you call them. The same could be said of us before we were trapped inside that Gate."

"They helped us in the Dungeon and they want to help now, so just send the alert to the ships on Jeju's coast, okay?"

Takashi pursed his lips. "I..." He was about to refuse once more. Just as he had spent decades propping up humanity and Heroes, he had spent decades fighting against the creatures humanity had come to loathe. It was the reason they were called Villains. It was essentially propaganda to ensure that humanity never lost sight of what they truly were. Calling them monsters was too kind. If humanity came to understand them as wild beasts and nothing more, they might hold sympathy for them, just as some held sympathy for cattle or other wild animals that naturally occurred on earth. They had to be called Villains in order to imply evil intentions.

But then Takashi looked up at the screens in the control room. The Heroes, some of which he could've called friends, like Nagant or Hawks, were lying dead or bleeding out. Humanity was losing. And as much as it pained him to let even more Villains onto the island, he just wanted his own people back.

"Fine. I'll send the update to the carriers," He relented, hanging up the call without another word, too distraught to think clearly on this matter any longer.

Momo looked to Merrix once more. "Can you not teleport us there?"

"My Spatial Magic requires I have some knowledge of where I'm teleporting to. Because of Quorra I had enough information to teleport us to the Lux Floors, but I have no knowledge of your planet. I'd need a map to open my portals across Jeju Island."

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