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[Void Magic: Subset of Dark Magic. Capable of absorbing energy in any form. Kinetic, Thermal, Mana, etc. The strength of this absorption weakens with distance and is not effective against an enemy who has strong control over their Mana, allowing them to keep their energy inside of themselves.]

"Hmm..." As the class walked, Izuku was poring over his Apex Skill and the types of Magic that came with it.

Void Magic had initially seemed stronger than Gravity Magic, as directly sapping an enemy's body warmth sounded like it could quickly kill them. But Void Magic seemed more defensive or utilitarian than offensive. It could absorb any sort of Magic attack launched at it, and even increase the efficiency of Izuku's Mana usage, but it couldn't just outright absorb an entire person's energy at once. Maybe overtime it could drain a percentage of a target's energy, but it was definitely better served at nullifying attacks.

[Curse Magic: Subset of Dark Magic. Capable of inflicting many debuffs to enemies, such as: Chaotic Mana, Sensory Disorientation, Armor Break, Mana Break, and more. These debuffs can have minimal or no effect if the target is strong enough.]

"I wish I had tried some of these on Beru on Jeju..." Izuku hadn't exactly struggled with the ant. He had beat him handily with Gravity Magic, but he also expended a great deal of Magic in doing so. If he had used Void Magic and Curse Magic in addition to Gravity Magic, the fight would've been a complete stomp. Unfortunately, in his rush to eliminate the threat as soon as possible, he didn't have proper time to learn and utilize them. Gravity Magic was actually really intuitive, which made it even more powerful, and he already had experience teleporting and hiding within darkness.

[Soul Magic: Subset of Dark Magic. Gives the user the ability to see Spiritual Lifeforms, Souls, and any other incorporeal being with full clarity. Soul Magic can enhance attacks, physical or magical, with the ability to target the Soul, bypassing many physical defenses. However, if the target has a strong will and/or Soul, the attack will be less effective.]

"Couldn't I already see Souls?" Izuku wondered, thinking back to when he, Setsuna, and Yui had stumbled upon the Demolith home and Behemoth's Soul. But Demoliths were basically just energy without a body to take residence in, so he hadn't really seen his Soul, more like a visualization of his essence. And past that, the System had just been taking in and reading out Souls to him. He had never actually visualized Souls through his own eyes.

[Torture Magic: Subset of Dark Magic. Inflicts those without resistances with immense pain. This pain can be mental or physical. If the target is weak enough, this magic can compel the target to take their own life.]

Izuku balked at that, horrified at such a concept. He barely even looked at it, dismissing it without even considering the applications. The following Magics were no less creepy.

[Disease Magic: Subset of Dark Magic. Capable of inflicting the target with a variety of diseases, magical or otherwise.]

[Poison Magic: Subset of Dark Magic. Capable of inflicting the target with a variety of poisons, magical or otherwise.]

[Sin Magic: Subset of Dark Magic. Allows the user to manipulate the emotions of others based on the Seven Deadly Sins. Is less effective if the target is good at controlling their own emotions.]

"Does... does that include Lust?" Izuku wondered. It was almost a hysterical thought to invoke Lust in the middle of battle.

[Shadow Magic: Subset of Dark Magic. Allows control of shadows for observation, teleportation, stealth, and physical shadow constructs.]

[Gravity Magic: Most powerful aspect of Dark Magic. Allows for manipulation of the fundamental aspect of Gravity itself. The only limit being that of the user's Mana as Gravity Magic consumes a great deal of Mana. The effect of gravity on a target gets weaker depending on how much Mana they are outputting.]

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now