Terms for Annihilation

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"What's with these storms?" Kaminari asked.

The dome barrier protected them from the elements, even keeping out most of the winds, making the island abnormally calm and quiet. But they could see that, outside of the barrier, the water was choppy and the sky was gray.

Catalina was a more tropical climate, so winds and fog and rain weren't that uncommon, but the severity outside the dome was way beyond the norm. And it had been going on for days, as if something was still settling down.

"I'll send a copy to see if the morse code team knows anything," Setsuna replied, remarking on the small window of information they could receive from the outside world. "Brandon also thinks it's weird. He hasn't seen anything like this since a tropical storm hit California, and even that was weak compared to this. He says the navy might even have to retreat if the conditions continue to get worse."

"Never thought I'd be happy to be under this thing," Kaminari joked, looking up at the shimmering wall of Magic in the sky.

They had covered about 70% of the island so far, killing Mosaics along the way. However, none of them attempted an attack on Esil's barrier. It seemed like a strange strategy to Izuku to become defensive all of the sudden. He had expected them to rush the barrier and the class in waves, slowly destroying their progress.

The class was sat around a fire, on the safe side of the wall. They were recovering for tomorrow's trek. "Why aren't they attacking us more?"

The response to Izuku's question came from the darkness of the forest. "Because they finally realize who was on the island with them."

Everyone shot to their feet, spinning around, desperately looking for the source of the voice.

"Terminator at 12 o'clock!" Mina shouted, pointing towards the mass of black metal and red energy coming towards them. It was the Architect, it was Raia. He was staring right at Izuku.

"Unfortunately, I grow tired of your mortal antics. There's no time to do this discreetly."

Izuku sighed. "I understand." The class was looking around in dazed confusion, except for Iida, Setsuna, and Yui. "I always knew it would come out eventually."

"Wait... what's going on? You know this guy?!" Kaminari recognized him from Europa, and while he had saved them, he was still a little freaky looking.

Aizawa's gaze shone red in an attempt to limit the Mana flow of Izuku. "Are you one of them?"

"You mean a Mosaic?" Izuku shook his head. "I have another identity, but it's not a Mosaic." On cue, Baruka and a few of the bears emerged from his shadows. He also manifested his armor - except the helmet - for added effect.

"No... way..." Kaminari couldn't even look back at Raia, his gaze was so enraptured by the sight before him.

Most of the class, minus the ones that already knew, had a similar response of shock, they just displayed it differently. Mina looked giddy, like she was meeting a celebrity, which she pretty much was. Uraraka was whispering under her breath, putting together the pieces of the Recursive Dungeon. Aizawa just looked relieved. Tokoyami was incredulous and even a little curious. Ibara's face was hard to read, but it was clear that her religious beliefs weren't smiling favorably down on a man who brought back the dead. And finally, there was Bakugo. His jaw was slack, his eyes wide.

"Honestly this is for the best," Izuku responded. "If you ever found out my secret, it was probably gonna be from the news and we know how they mangle information."

Crickets were all that could be heard. It was so sudden, so out of left field, that no one could string together a full sentence.

"And you wonder why I dislike biological creatures?" Raia scoffed. "Far too much input lag. Did you hear what I said earlier?"

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