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In the darkness of the Kyaru Memorial Graveyard, illuminated by only the moon, the groundskeeper could hear the telltale sound of grass and dirt collapsing.

"Bastards..." The man growled, grabbing his flashlight and his sword. He was an Awakened, ranked at B. After all, all grounds that held the remains of Heroes were often desecrated in an attempt to find rare magical items. Items that had been removed long before they were buried. Humanity needed the items too badly to allow them to be buried. Unfortunately, graverobbers didn't seem to understand this fact.

The groundskeeper, a man who had a slight sensory impairment, retired from Hero Work when he realized how dangerous it was for him, instead choosing to guard his fallen brethren. He was even given permission to kill any graverobbers he saw by the government. There was simply no excuse for disturbing a body that had already suffered so much.

Despite his sensory impairment, he was still a B-Rank and could likely slay any intruders with ease, given they weren't A-Rank or higher, which never happened, as those sorts already had a healthy income and didn't need to rob graves.

Delicately weaving his way around the graves, he offered silent prayers to them, making for the sounds.

"I will give you exactly 10 seconds to get on the ground and stop what you're doing." The groundskeeper rounded a thick tree, "Otherwise I will... kill... you?"

"Ahhh..." The shape grumbled like a zombie. It made sense, it had a hole in its upper body, going all the way through, allowing someone to literally look through them.

"You...? What...?"

White flames rushed up the body, from the toes to the tip of the body's white hair. They restored the form of the body, discarding old burn scars and closing the hole in its chest. The flames even seemed to create a new set of clothes to dress the body.

"Ahh..." This time, the sound was a sigh of relief. "It feels good to be mortal again..."

The body focused its eyes directly onto the groundskeeper. "You are not his betrothed, so you are disposable."


The man didn't even get to finish his sentence, turned to ash in the same second the words attempted to leave his mouth. The body tucked his hands into the pockets of his new clothing.

"So... where to go first?"

The following morning, there was no trace of the body. The only remaining evidence of the crime was the exposed grave of Touya Todoroki. The coffin and the dirt had been lifted as if from the inside. As if the body... got up and walked away.


"You see America's official position on Endeavor?" Setsuna asked as Yui prepared breakfast for the somewhat odd group of Izuku, Momo, Esil, and the aforementioned Setsuna.

Momo and Izuku tried to help out, but Yui refused and told them to sit down, saying "I don't want you ruining my meal." And she wasn't entirely wrong. There was the possibility that just being by the food could screw it up given how bad Izuku and Momo's cooking prowess was.

"No, what was it?"

Setsuna scoffed. "Thomas Andre has Endeavor under 'protective employment' and because of his status as a National-Rank, the government has refused to do anything about it."

"I'm sure Korea and Japan will love that," Momo responded sarcastically. Both countries wanted the man equally, in order to exact their justice on him. But for now, he was a protected man. To go after him would be to incur the wrath of Thomas and neither country wanted to deal with that whole mess. Even if Japan got the support of the Shadow Monarchs, they'd probably rather leave Endeavor as he was than try to anger the Americans. After all, the last time Japan angered America, they got the sun dropped on them... twice.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now