Ghost Town

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"E-RANK?! Who do they think I am?!" To ask who was screaming would be like asking if the sky is up, it just was a foregone conclusion.

"Chill out man..." Kirishima grumbled, trying to get close to the angry blonde without getting backhanded.

Currently the class were in the locker rooms after having been told about their first training assignment. In other words, their first Quest as a class.

"You heard All Might! He wants to see how we work together and an E-Rank Dungeon is pretty much impossible for any of us to get killed in!"

"Yeah, and some of us almost did get killed the last time we were in a Gate," Kaminari added, which strangely caused Bakugo to simply grumble and wait for the rest of them to get their Hero Outfits on.

Izuku, obviously, couldn't use his Monarch Outfit, so he had designed a different one for the school to use.

It was a green and white armor-like outfit, which again, was just an illusion to go over his actual armor, but the design still held. The knuckles, as well as the shins and feet, were heavily armored in appearance to match his gauntlet shape. They kept the claw appendages on his fingers and added talons to his feet. The talons were unfortunately just aesthetic and didn't add any attack power.

The armor was light around his joints and waist area and armor rose up Izuku's back to cover parts of his head. He didn't want a full helmet as the illusion would then obscure his vision slightly. Also it just looked a bit scary. The interlocking plates and minimalist design, allowed by the illusion, made the armor look futuristic. And Izuku believed that the green and white had a calming effect to it. Paired with his lack of a helmet, he looked extremely approachable compared to the other armor sets in the room. Not to mention that since specific parts of his costume drew attention, like the knuckles, people could tell at a glance what sorta Hero he was.

A/N: I'm not going to describe everyone's outfit, one by one but just imagine more typical armor versions of the MHA costumes. Look up Solo Leveling armor to get a sense of the design aesthetic.

Most of the time, male Heroes chose big scary sets of armor because they thought it looked cool and intimidating, and they were more interested in killing anyways. Meanwhile girls tended to choose cuter or sexier clothes. They liked playing up the media and their stardom more than the guys. That wasn't to say that either gender was more or less useful inside a Gate, that came down to their Rank and their skills.

Funnily enough, this wasn't just gender standards enforcing themselves. As it turned out, Takashi himself had done a survey of most of Japan's Heroes and the statistics leaned heavily towards what would be considered gender standard. It was just how it went. Proving that video games weren't always wrong. The boys chose the big scary armor, the girls chose the boob armor.

Regardless, by comparison, Izuku's outfit kinda bridged the gap, offering a functional armor that allowed itself to be more peaceful to look at. It felt more like a police officer walking around as compared to a marching mountain of metal.

Which of course meant that he was the odd one out amongst the men, as they all had very harsh, jagged looking armor, most of them with some sort of helmet or faceplate.

Thankfully, he wasn't completely left out of the class, as many of the women had similar lighter-armored looks, but many of them were still very practical looking.

The one Izuku focused on was, of course, Momo.

"Woah..." Izuku rapidly blinked his eyes at the outfit in front of him. It was... "A dress?"

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now