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Momo woke in a hurry, her body jolting against the chains that held her in her nightmares. It was so real, so visceral that it took her a moment to realize she was not wrapped in chains, but Izuku's arms. She was warm in his bed, curled up against his chest.

She had never realized just how big his arms were. She was a few inches taller than him, but her smaller frame felt tiny next to him. It made her feel safe, like she could be hidden under his arms.

"Hmm..." she purred like a cat, rubbing against his burning hot skin. In the cold morning, it was the perfect reason to fall back asleep. And she totally could have, even with all the All Might posters staring down at her. But her affection wasn't unnoticed, as Izuku began to stir.

"Morning." Izuku mumbled as he woke, looking down at the onyx-haired beauty resting in his bed. It was such a stark difference to his usual wake up that he assumed he would be panicked and flustered, but he found strangely at peace. There was no awkwardness, it was just Momo.

Granted he was still a little red faced when her negligee slipped and her cleavage was largely exposed.

Momo giggled at his flustered face, a sound that could've purified swamp water. "It's okay. You've seen... just about all of me already."

"Well um... I mean... it's still..."

"My boobs?" She said, her tone causing Izuku to bark out a ridiculous laugh, which Momo reciprocated, sending them into uncontrollable giggles. When one stopped giggling, the other would look at the other and it would start all over again.

"Hey! Hey! It's early, what's all the... fuss?" Kei burst through Izuku's bedroom door, stopping in her tracks as she laid eyes on Momo covering herself with the sheets.

"Kei, it's not what you-"

"It's about goddamn time, you idiot!"


"You've been gushing about her for months, I was wondering if you were ever gonna court her... oh by the way nice to meet you finally! I'm Kei," She said, offering a small wave.

Strangely that was what it took for the two of them to turn bright-red with embarrassment.

"Gushing about me? For months...?" Momo tried to keep the school girl grin off of her face as Izuku panicked.

"I-It's not like that! Don't make me sound like some creepy obsessive stalker!"

"It's flattering, doofus, go along with it!" Kei rolled her eyes, "Sorry, he's new to all this, please forgive his idiocy."

"Wha- Hey!"

Momo laughed at the sibling banter, her heart filled with a joy she'd never known. No siblings, no parents. Now she had Izuku and, by association, Kei.

"I'm very forgiving," Momo assured her. "I promise to take care of him."

"Good! He needs it!"

"I've been the one taking care of you, Missy!" Izuku said, pointing to his sister.

"Well duh, but you can't take care of yourself for shit!" Kei winked at Momo. "Anyways I'll let you two doves get back to it! See ya!"

"Get back to what?!" Izuku called after her as she closed the door behind her.

"That's actually a good question," Momo prompted. "What do we do next?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... we're S-Ranks now, possibly even XS-Rank if you consider our special abilities." Momo shrugged, "Kinda feels like peaking."

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now