Rasaka's Vengeance

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"You got to meet Nejire-Chan?!" Kei hounded Izuku, following close at his heels as he went to grab something to eat from the fridge. "Izu that's not fair!"

He laughed. "Not fair? It's not like I went searching for her without you like some creep! We just stumbled into each other."

"The universe isn't fair," She grumbled, crossing her arms and pouting. "You gotta let me meet her."

"It's not like we exchanged numbers, Kei," Izuku responded, trying not to grow red at the thought of something like that with someone as popular as Nejire. He hadn't even exchanged numbers with Yaoyorozu. "Hmm... should probably do that..."

"Duh! If you get her number though, you need to give it to me as well."

"Huh?" Izuku looked back at his sister. "No, I wasn't talking about Nejire."

She rolled her eyes. "Eyes on the prize, Izu!"

"My eyes are on the prize," He clarified. "We're just not looking at the same thing you and me," He said with a grin.

"Dad wouldn't let you get away with this," She teased back.

"Heh, I suppose you're right." Before their mother had slipped into the Eternal Slumber - a state where a normal human accumulated too much Mana in their body and forced them into a coma - she had told them plenty of their father's exploits as his friends' go-to wingman. "If he was still alive, he'd probably be hounding me just as much as Kei..." He kept that one to himself as he looked over to the System's readout of the new Instant Dungeon key he had gotten.

"I'm gonna be heading out later today, Kei. I could be gone for a while."

"More Raids?" She asked suspiciously.

"Just a little one," Izuku lied, choosing not to look directly at Kei. "I don't see myself being gone more than a day."

"The last one was a little one too," Kei remarked.

"That was a fluke," Izuku promised, actually meaning it this time.

Kei pursed her lips, suddenly looking a lot older than a high school student. "Don't be stupid okay? Dad was an S-Rank... and even he..."

She needed to say nothing else. Izuku rested his hand on her head as she teared up. "You've got nothing to worry about." He sighed. "Man this is gonna become an open-secret if I'm not careful."

"I'm gonna be okay? Ya know why? Because I have a little secret to tell you about."


After enough time spent explaining the System to his sister, Izuku managed to get the green light to head to Joren Falls and use the key. This time, he wasn't able to choose whether or not to show her the System. Apparently vision of its game-like screens were a Quest Exclusive thing. However, after a quick demonstration of his strength, lifting the fridge up by one hand, Kei was convinced he was stronger. Even an E-Rank would struggle to do something like that with such ease.

And really, when it came down to it, Izuku wasn't one to tell such flippant lies. It didn't take long to convince Kei and before Izuku could even ask her to keep it a secret, she came to the same conclusion.

"The monetary benefits from this alone are huge... not to mention the threat it poses to the National and XS-Ranks position of power. If there's no limit, then... wow... You'd better not tell anyone about this, not unless you seriously trust them." That was Kei's thought process and it made Izuku proud. He'd not continued his education, and in the months leading up to the end of high school, his grades had regrettably started slipping. But Kei never let up, and pushed her intelligence past her brother as she continued to study, not only at school or home, but online, taking several extra classes and constantly learning about the world.

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