The Island of Stability

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"Been a while," Yogumunt said within his Soul Pathway.

Shoto glared at him. "Don't waste my time."

"Well it's not like time can really be wasted here, but okay!" The amorphous blob danced through the space. "I just wanted to say thanks! We've gotten all we needed from you!"

"And I haven't gotten what I need from you. My father is still alive."

"All thanks to your hard work!"

"I don't get it."

Yogumunt laughed. "Yes you do. You just don't want to admit it. You knew from the second I approached you that we were going to use each other. The problem was that I'm a God, and you're a mortal, so I was always going to win." He swam around Shoto. "It's clear by now that Izuku Midoriya is not a threat to your species. I mean, the Shadow Monarch might still be, but given how long that boy has remained in control... well, the bottom line is that your services are no longer required. You've killed the Chaos Inhabitants we needed you to kill and you saved your father's life for our later plans."

"Saved? You gave me information to kill him."

"Well, yes and no. You see, your father was actually supposed to die on Jeju Island. Without your help, he would have perished." The scenery changed, showing Endeavor right as Shoto's ice caught his foot, sending him tumbling backwards. It narrowly saved him from Beru's claws. "There were some miscalculations with Jeju, but the one thing that undeniably went right was your father's survival and asylum in America. That's all there is to it."

"So why even tell me? Just to mock me?" Shoto looked surprisingly unconcerned for a boy that had been manipulated by Gods.

"Haha! No, I can tell such remarks would serve no purpose. Your Soul is too broken from the cycle of rebirth to feel those emotions. You had a single unyielding goal and so you didn't care what I told you as long as I provided you a chance at achieving it." Yogumunt held out several trinkets in front of Shoto. "This is not mockery, this is respect. You've served us well, so I'll leave you with these gifts. Just some items. You can either sell them, or keep them. How you live out the remainder of your days will be up to you. Perhaps you may even find a way to disrupt our plans and kill your father with these!"

"Why?" Shoto asked, just as confused with Yogumunt's excitement as Yogumunt was enthralled by Shoto's apathy.

"Higher Beings are so dull. Win or lose this war, my purpose has always been to witness something exciting, free will. And you continued to exercise that will even as I manipulated you. I know this is foolish, but in that, I feel kinship with another fool. To watch and witness, to be excited by the possibility of failure. That is the very thing my own creator failed to realize!" His shout echoed endlessly through the repeating Soulscape. "To be blinded by free will and the possibility of the universe. That is what I live for!"

"Then why use me at all?"

"Well, if we hadn't, then there would've been no balance at all. The chances of winning or losing would be completely unbalanced! Of course, my brethren want perfect odds for themselves, but I choose to settle for less. Through you, I have done enough to balance the scales and to convince the Monarchs that I am firmly on their side."

Shoto took the items. "So who's side are you really on then?"

Yogumunt's shape solidified for just a second, revealing a gleaming set of teeth. "Let me tell you the truth of this universe..."


"Look... Legally, Andre has as much claim to Endeavor as you do. That's how it looks on paper. And as much as the president wants your support, starting a war between you and Andre will only hurt America." Adam chose his words very carefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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