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[Item: Job Change Dungeon Key]

Item Class: ?-Rank

Item Type: Key

Description: May be used anywhere that is not in sight of others. Cannot be entered by anyone other than the Player. Dungeon cannot be exited until the Job Change Quest is cleared.


(Izuku: Wanna give me any hints?)

(Nejire-Chan: The Entrance Exams aren't much of a secret. UA has some written exams to confirm that you have basic education and can function in society basically. Handle paperwork if you join an Agency, etc. But the Practical is the real deal. You'll get paired with a Raid Party and will have to clear a Gate of Rank equal to your team's strength minus one. So if the Party is ranked A, you'd handle a B-Rank Gate.)

(Izuku: And how do they know if all of the Party members properly participated?)

(Nejire-Chan: Oh they make sure there's a faculty member with your team to bail you out and score you guys. But if you handled Joren Fall solo, I doubt you'll need to be bailed out.)

Outside of Yaoyorozu and Kei, Nejire was the only one who knew that it was Izuku who had cleared the Gate at Joren Falls. It complicated matters because she was assuming one of two things.

Either Izuku was a False Ranker, someone who hid their strength for malevolent, or at the very least, immoral reasons, or he had undergone a Reawakening or Quirk Awakening. Nejire probably didn't think the former of Izuku, but it was one of the only options, so it was no doubt on her mind.

Izuku groaned loudly. He was standing at the same beach he and Yaoyorozu had traveled to for their last Gate. "I'll probably have to go to the Hero Safety Commission to get a Reawakening measurement. It'll be too hard to hide my strength at UA. I'm registered as an E-Rank, but I'm probably closer to a Low to Mid B-Rank right now." He looked back down at his phone. "Nejire's practically a Pro Hero already... should I just ask her? Should I just show all my cards?"

Nejire, next to Kei and Yaoyorozu, was probably the most trustworthy person Izuku knew. She didn't know the whole story, yet she was still acting friendly and keeping his secret under wraps. Indecisive, he pulled open another contact on his phone.

(Izuku: Hey Kei, I need some advice about Nejire.)

(Kei: Whatever it is, yes! 100% yes!)

Izuku smirked.

(Izuku: You're a nutcase, you know that?)

(Kei: Says the guy trying to woo two girls at once!)

(Izuku: I'm not trying to woo anybody! I just wanted to know what you thought about letting Nejire in on our secret.)

(Kei: See the above text, dumbass!)

Izuku rolled his eyes and said goodbye to Kei, still smiling.

(Izuku: Nejire, can you meet me by the Hero Commission Agency tomorrow?)

(Nejire-Chan: First of all, it's Nejire-Chan! Second of all, sure thing! I assume you want to get a Reawakened measurement?)

(Izuku: Yeah, but my Reawakening isn't exactly... standard. I just wanna explain some things if that's okay. Will be much less confusing in the long run that way.)

(Nejire-Chan: No idea what that means, but cool! I'll see you tomorrow!)

Izuku put his phone away and took out the Job Change Quest Key. If Yaoyorozu was correct, it would give him a role, something that might help him specialize his power. She said that in video games, roles helped specific Stats grow, like a Tank getting more health, or a DPS getting stronger attacks. Regardless, it had the potential to really push Izuku to the next level, so he wanted to get it done as soon as he could. With UA Entrance Exams fast approaching, any additional strength was appreciated.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now