Expend it All

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[You have completed the Daily Quest]


1. Status Recovery

2. +3 Stat Points

3. Random Item Box

It was only the third day since Izuku's run in with the penalty zone of the System, but since then, he'd become extremely familiar with it. Though the daily exercises tired Izuku to the bone, the first reward of the Daily Quest allowed him to refresh himself, clearing his exhaustion as if it was never there. And the three bonus stats each day were a nice boon. The only lame part of the rewards so far was the Random Item Box, which only ever contained small amounts of coins or weird knick knacks like pens.

"Such an odd thing for a magical System to give out..." Izuku thought to himself as he grabbed that day's rewards, putting them between Strength and Vitality.

Izuku Midoriya:

Level: 5

Strength: 20

Vitality: 19

Agility: 35

Intelligence: 15

Sense: 15

Available Points: 0

[Mana: 150/150]

[HP: 600/600]

He had dumped the 20 Stats he'd gotten from the Secret Quest into Agility. He'd always been slower than the Villains he fought, having to rely on instinct to be one step ahead of them and most of the time that wasn't even enough. Although, he might've gone a bit too far with it, because now people gave him shocked looks as he darted past them on his daily run. Even at a light jog, he was far faster than any olympic athlete giving it their all. So when he cranked up the effort, he nearly surpassed 60 mph.

As he opened the Random Box, he expected very little, but this time, instead of a random writing tool, a thick green key dropped into the palm of his hand.

[Item: Dungeon Key]

Item Class: E-Rank

Item Type: Key

Description: May be used to open an Instant Dungeon at Tatooin Station's Third Entrance.

"Instant Dungeon? Does that mean I can make Gates?" Izuku was immediately hesitant to take on another Gate so soon after the recent incidents, but upon checking his bank account on his phone, he realized that he'd be late on rent if he didn't make any money soon.

And really, it was just an E-Rank. Even if it was too dangerous to Izuku to handle, he would've been able to outrun anything and just leave. Was it irresponsible? Maybe... probably. But Izuku didn't exactly have a lot of options for making money considering that he just barely graduated high school and went onto Hero work immediately. Besides, what was the point of getting those new gauntlets if he wasn't going to use them?

So, Izuku made a quick stop in Yaoyorozu's room. By now, most of her outward injuries were healed, but the doctors were keeping her in a medically induced coma to make sure she wasn't in pain, pain that not even morphine could properly counteract thanks to the severity. On top of that her incredibly serious injuries, such as ruptured organs or broken bones could heal properly without her moving and disrupting the process.

Izuku had known her for some time, meeting constantly in lower Ranked Dungeons, but he'd never gotten much out of her in terms of her life story. He never knew why she only participated in weaker Raids despite having such power. He also didn't know why her room was so empty.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now