A New Start

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"Earlier today, a Gate broke near the Fujiya Hospital. Housed inside an empty apartment complex, there was no warning when the seven-day time limit elapsed. Heroes immediately rushed to the site upon receiving an emergency request, but by the time they had gotten there, the Gate had already been cleared." The news reporter vanished as the image on screen was replaced by a grainy photo of Izuku and Momo, clad in their disguises.

"Two Heroes, a male and a female according to eye-witnesses who heard their voice, were apparently visiting the hospital when the break occurred. Neither has identified themselves."

Shaky handheld footage then appeared, likely from a smartphone. Shadows raced along the streets, Tank the Ice Bear slamming his foot down atop Villains and smashing them into a paste. One Cyclops rushed the person holding the phone, who screamed in fear once he realized his mistake in sticking around.

But before the titan with pale skin could reach him, a blade bisected it at the waist, sending a spray of blood and guts onto the camera and its owner, who made a sound of disgust.

The foot rewound and froze at just the right moment to see a blur of green energy in the form of Igris.

"Many dozens of summons were reported, a near impossible feat, which has caused many to speculate about a conspiracy created by the Hero Safety Commission in an attempt to raise Japan's standings amongst the Awakened communities of the world. Safety Commission representative and Number 3 Hero, Hawks, had this to say." Lines of jumping audio appeared, to represent Hawks on the phone.

"Japan is one of the strongest Awakened Nations at the moment, the Commission has no need to fool its citizens. We ourselves are flummoxed by the video and eye-witness reports as neither Hero seems to appear in our database. No evidence was recovered that would indicate the identity of them, and so far they have not come forward. Our only assumption could be that they were operating without Hero Licenses and were afraid to be punished. However, we as the Commission, should they come forward, shall only reward their efforts as Good Samaritans helping their fellow man and saving many lives." The audio ended.

"And they did indeed save quite a few," The reporter confirmed, showing images of destroyed apartments and shaken men, women, and children being evacuated. "Estimates report that over 300 people would have died before proper Heroes could arrive to quell the Villains, the worst Gate break in Japan in nearly 5 years. But thanks to the efforts of the two unknown Heroes, only 6 people lost their lives. Many were injured severely, but thanks to the proximity of the Fujiya Hospital and the efforts of many medical personnel, every survivor is expected to make a full recovery. A public statement by the head of..."

"How could you not stick around?!" Kei shouted as the reporter went on with the broadcast.

But Izuku ignored her, too distraught by the news that they had been too late to save 6 of the many civilians.

Momo immediately sensed his dread. "Izuku, it's a miracle we were there at all. Even the Number 3 Hero would've had more casualties than us." Kei went silent, realizing what her brother was feeling.

"But those 6... if we had just been a little faster..."

"You can only do so much. Even with all the Shadows..." She leaned over the couch, taking his hand. "We saved hundreds of lives. We did what we could. Are you telling me that you didn't do everything in your power to help? You and I know you give your all, everytime you fight." He averted his eyes. "It's hard to accept, but sometimes there are people you just can't save." Momo felt bad about the 6 as well, obviously, but she didn't want to lose sleep at night over something she couldn't control. "We can't control the actions of Villains, we can only control our own actions. The Gate was simply too close to a populated area."

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now