First Level

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"I need to see her!" Izuku cried, throwing himself against the horde of doctors trying to hold him back and ignoring the shaking all over his body. "Where's Yaoyorozu?!"

"Sir! She's in intensive care, she's lucky she's alive! You can't see her right now! It's a miracle that you're alive! Lay down!"

"Izuku!" A small shape came rushing through the door, weaving past the doctors and slamming into Izuku's chest. "Oh thank god!"

"Kei..." Izuku groaned, "What are you doing... out of school?" He fell to his knees, helped down by the doctors and his sister.

"You idiot!" Kei drew back her hand like she was gonna slap him across the face, but apparently thought better of it and instead worried about holding back tears. "I got a call that my brother went missing in a Raid! You think I'm gonna stay at school?!"

"Fellas," A calm voice called out from the doorway, "Are we having some trouble here?" The man, dressed in a suit that had not a wrinkle or smudge on it, walked into the room. "Izuku Midoriya?"


"I'm Detective Tsukauchi, I was part of the Raid team that recovered you and Yaoyorozu."

"Then I owe you my life..." Izuku mumbled, his already weak body growing weaker.

"Nothing of the sort." The man said. "But what I do need you to do is calm down and get back in the bed. We're gonna have some questions for you if you feel up to it."

"But what about-"

Tsukauchi shook his head. "The girl will be fine, we've got some of All Might's top healers on it."

"All... Might?"

Tsukauchi nodded. "When the Pro heard about the scenario, he sent the best he had on hand."

"Why? We're not that special are we?"

Tsukauchi smiled. "That's one of the things we're here to find out. But he and I have been friends for some time. I called in a favor when I heard a D-Rank Gate swallowed so many competent Heroes without spitting 'em back out."

Izuku grimaced, "Competent Heroes... I bet I wasn't included in that list."

"On the contrary. I pulled your records. For an E-Rank, you're damn hard to kill. You're either skilled enough to avoid death... or you should be playing the lottery, because you'd have to be damn lucky." Tsukauchi smiled as he helped Kei get Izuku back into bed.

"Would you mind if I had a moment alone with your brother?" He also nodded at the doctors, who took their leave.

Kei frowned, but when Izuku nodded, she relented. "I'll just be outside."

When the room was empty, Tsukauchi took a chair beside the hospital bed. "I'm part of the Hero Safety Commission, an agent assigned to handle mysterious on-goings in situations regarding Gates. So I need to know, what happened?"

Licking his lips, Izuku dove into the story, visibly shivering when memories of the pain, or that ungodly creature popped into his mind. He told up to the point where he was supposedly consumed by the giant spider-like entity, leaving out the detail about his forcibly amputated arm.

"And that's the last thing I remember. Everything else is... fuzzy, like a dream." It was the truth, sitting upon that throne, it felt real and unreal at the same time.

Tsukauchi nodded. "When we entered the Gate, we found no sign of any Villains, nor an altar. We only found you, Yaoyorozu, and the bodies of your Raid party. Which all-in-all, is really strange. I'm sure you know that as well as I do."

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now