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"You do realize she could've killed you?"

Izuku's eyebrows shot up at Yaoyorozu's worry. "Killed me? We were in a public place."

"And she's one of the top S-Ranks in Japan! You know how they are! The law barely applies to them!"

"She wasn't going to kill me," Izuku reassured her. The two were currently waiting outside the Hero Safety Commission for Nejire. Yaoyorozu asked to come along when she heard the plan, and Izuku took the time to explain everything since the two had last parted. Ironically, she chose to focus on the Miruko bit. "And besides, I had Igris with me. He's basically an S-Rank all on his own. I would've been okay."

Yaoyorozu still didn't look convinced. "You basically called her weird. Some S-Ranks would kill you for that. Please just... be more careful in the future."

Izuku acquiesced with a nod. "So, what about the Shadows?"

"What about them?"

"Well... what should I do about them? I mean, there's a bit of a morality issue with bringing back the dead. Especially considering that I'm the one who made them dead in the first place."

Yaoyorozu shrugged. "But they don't seem to mind, do they?"

"But how will we know if that's the System or not? It could be torture for them, but the System might be forcing them to act the way they're acting."

"Or your initial assumption could be correct," Yaoyorozu said, "Maybe they truly are happy to have a second chance in life."

Izuku could sense the creatures in his shadow react to Yaoyorozu, almost as if they were nodding along. But again, Izuku couldn't be sure if that was them, or the System.

Yaoyorozu could sense his unrest, laying a hand on his arm. "The System is already storing souls, and giving those souls a second chance is better than letting them sit there. You could be right, the System could be doing something malevolent. But there's no way to know, so for now, you use the Shadows, and you use the System. There's a lot we still don't know about it, so until we learn more, or until the Shadows start giving you a sign that something's wrong, I think you should use them..." Her brow scrunched up. "But maybe don't use them in front of others. It could bring up a lot of questions."

Izuku chuckled. "Way ahead of you on that. I might need a Hero Outfit soon to hide my identity."

"So then what are you gonna do for UA?"

"Well, I've come this far on my own... with your help, of course," Izuku quickly corrected. "I can always keep the Shadows as my backup plan. With the gauntlets and elemental gems I can just say I got a Reawakening, and my Quirk is Elemental Control."

"A Quirk and a Reawakening sounds a little too convenient doesn't it?"

"It has happened in the past. And honestly it sounds more feasible that the weakest Hero in the world would get a much bigger boost than, say, an A-Rank."

Yaoyorozu pondered for a moment before sighing. "Well, I guess it makes more sense than trying to conceal everything, or trying to explain the System to the world. There's not really another option."

"Well if you don't see another way I'm sure there isn't one," Izuku casually remarked, unaware of his comment's impact. As he stared out at the city, Yaoyorozu did her best to hide the blush of happiness on her face.

"Oooh! Did you bring your girlfriend?!"

"Gah!" Yaoyorozu jumped as Nejire dropped from the sky, landing next to them without a sign of strain on her body. She didn't even have to crouch.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now