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Sorry this chapter took so long. I was making a full timeline for the story, for my own personal use. I also had to revise my information document so that I don't forget any items, Skills, Quirks, etc in the future. I have been referring to Documentarian (Analyze) as a Quirk, but it's really a Skill. I might post a chapter that is just a character sheet so that everyone's on the same page if they want to look it over. Anyways, please enjoy!


Ryukyu, despite the beaming smile on her face, couldn't help but say, "I thought you said you weren't coming?"

Dabi smiled. "I say a lot of stupid things. You could use an AOE fire Hero to back you up. It's not like I trust my father to protect you."

Ryukyu's pride flared for just a moment, and she couldn't help but say, "I can handle myself."

Thankfully, Dabi just chuckled at her. "Obviously, but I'm allowed a bit of chivalry now and again, no?"

"Well, I'll feel safer having you around," Ryukyu said, correcting for her pride. "But what about Thomas Andre? Are you allowed to go on a Raid like this outside of your Scavenger Guild contract?"

Dabi winced. "Er... he said... something along the lines of 'go get the girl.'"

"Sounds like you've got quite the wingman for a boss."

"Yeah... I don't think his assistant, Laura, would put it so nicely." Despite his mostly ambivalent nature, Thomas Andre could be a bit of a womanizer. So when he told Dabi to get the girl, it was more of a... sexist remark than anything else, something Dabi wouldn't repeat to Ryukyu if he valued his safety.

The fact that Andre had the same assistant for five years, one that he hadn't slept with, and that hadn't filed a sexual harassment claim, was nothing short of a miracle that not even magic could explain. Laura was constantly referred to as the world's only National-Rank assistant, which was not a far cry from the truth despite her not even being Awakened.

Ryukyu opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by a blaring alarm. It wasn't one for emergencies though, it was just to grab the base's attention.

"All units! The Jeju Island Assault Fleet is loading up! Departure is in approximately one hour! Begin boarding now!"

Ryukyu reached for her Hero belt, where a few grenades were stored, and handed two to her partner.

"Uh... I'm not sure these will do much..."

Ryukyu chuckled. "Midnight filled them with her sleep gas. Tests indicate that her Quirk should be able to affect the Nomu, but her Ranking is too low to go into the actual Raid, it's too dangerous. These are our 'break in case of emergency' grenades."

"Will they work on the evolved Nomu?" Dabi asked, referring to the insect-like Villains.

Ryukyu grimaced. "We have no idea. No one has actually encountered this sort of Nomu before. But at most, there should only be 100 evolved Nomu, so even if the gas doesn't work on them, we'll be okay."

"Key word being 'should.'"

"That's how it goes..."

Dabi smiled. "Yeah..."


"When we first met, during that A-Rank Gate that broke open, we were told we'd have to handle the situation ourselves, because the other S-Ranks were busy." Dabi looked off into the ocean, a wistful gaze in his eye. "You just smiled and said 'that's how it goes.'"

"And then we proceeded to kick ass."

"I'd say, 'this time will be no different,'"

"But then you'd have to jinx us," Ryukyu smirked. "I think we both know this isn't going to be so easy."

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now