Tumultuous Waters

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"Starboard sid-" The side of one of Japan's destroyers exploded in flames, engulfed by the shell launched from the opposing fleet.

Russia was using a new type of vessel, a destroyer-class that could submerge and hide from radar. It made it next to impossible for Japan's standard fleet to actually hit them. And even a direct hit was likely to bounce off the Magical hull.

"Nagant!" Momo shouted, leaping from her Shadow destroyer to the destroyer that just got hit, using her Quirk to start repairing the vessel.

Kaina jumped straight up in the air using Omni-Movement, funneling Mana into her eyes to see right through the water and spot the submerged destroyer. Pulling a bullet from her hair, the energy in her barrel built to the necessary power level.

That single shot bisected the sea like some sort of deity, cavitating all the way to the Russia sub, boring a hole straight through it, damning the crew.


The titan rose from the depths, standing at his full height, clutching the submarine in his hands. It didn't save everyone, but it mitigated casualties. They were doing what they could, within reason, to save lives. Of course, there was the chance that the crew would just take a suicide pill, but Momo knew that Izuku would settle for nothing less than saving as many lives as he could, even if it was in vain.

The journey they planned on taking should have only lasted 2 days at the fleet's top speed. However, Russia's persistent attacks and new vessels meant they had already been sailing for 5 days. Trying to mitigate losses, and deal with the subs was tricky. They didn't even realize what was attacking them at first, causing a great deal of damage that cost a day of repairs.

Kaina was doing her best to spot everything, but she was just one person, and the only one who could reliably target them when they were submerged. If Behemoth managed to spot them, he could crush them like ants, but his vision, especially underwater, wasn't great.

Momo scowled once she was done fixing the destroyer, she was growing tired of this cat and mouse game.

"Admiral Mori, fleet halt and have all submersibles surface. Tell your crews to hold on to whatever they can."

"Copy, what do you plan?"

"The rabbit that jumps from the moon," Momo responded, looking up into the sky, where a small dot was visible, falling fast.

Having predicted that they'd need new measures to deal with the subs, Momo had sent Kaisel as high up into the atmosphere as possible, carrying the one and only Rabbit Hero. Tearing through the skies, Miruko was little more than a streak of light.

Traveling at reentry speeds, she split the open oceans in an almost anti-climatic fashion. There was no massive wave, no explosive sound. Miruko just traveled... until she hit the ocean floor.


The pressure wave slammed into the bottom of the destroyers and carriers, turning the calm ocean into a hurricane-force chop. For miles around, the deep blue became a foamy white, as Miruko's shockwave forced everything up.

Metal creaking, and stabilizers failing, a total of seven Russian destroyer-subs jumped out of the water, like flying fish.

They desperately tried to re-calibrate and dive, but not only were their instruments completely destroyed by the shockwave, the sea was so rough that it threw them around. They weren't as well equipped to balance in such stormy waters. It gave Behemoth plenty of time to scoop them up in his massive hands, making them look more like toothpicks than modern engineering marvels.

"Surrender! And you will be treated in accordance with international law!" Behemoth's voice vibrated across the ocean. He sounded no different than a giant robot, a sort of techno-organic tone booming from his body. It wasn't all that deep, nor was it high-pitched, but it was loud enough to get your attention. And during his time speaking to Momo, she heard his normal voice. He truly was a gentle giant... when he wanted to be one.

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