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"How far away are the others?" Izuku muttered under his breath to Iida.

"Two minutes... maybe."

"He's at least an S-Rank," Izuku said, sizing up the Elf King before him. His pale-blue lips were curled up into a cocky grin. He made no moves to immediately kill them.

"Oh? You're good. I was trying to hold back my Mana."

Iida's ears pricked up at the Elve's words. "I wish we could understand Villains. An open dialogue would buy us time."

Only then had Izuku remembered that humans, Awakened or not, were incapable of understanding Villains most of the time. There were sparse incidents here and there, but outside of Izuku, communication was a crap shoot.

"Our only shot is Midnight," Iida reckoned, but Izuku shook his head.

"He knows about her Quirk. He's been watching us this whole time. There's no way we'll get the chance to hit him with it." The Elf's grin only stretched wider at that.

"How do you know?"

Izuku gave a slight shake of his head. "I could feel... something, but I couldn't pin it down."


[Ice Elf Elder Baruka:]

Rank: S

Type: Polarus Humanoid

Role: Boss

Proficiencies: Dagger Combat, Stealth

Skills: Blizzard's Concealment, Ice Manipulation, Ice King's Howl


"So he really is S-Rank. I might not have a choice here. Igris could probably stand toe-to-toe with him while the rest of us kill the minions. Then we can overwhelm him..."

[Baruka is using Skill: Ice King's Howl.]

[Alert: Skills have been "Frozen" and cannot be used.]

"Come forth..." Izuku muttered under his breath. Nothing happened.

[Shadow Extraction cannot be activated whilst under the effects of Ice King's Howl. The Player's Level is not high enough to resist it.]

"Well I guess we have no-" Iida was shoved back by Izuku, who held up his hands to block the incoming strike from the Ice Elf's dagger.

The impact created a shockwave that cleared the surrounding area of snow entirely, revealing the cold dead weeds underneath their feet from the endless winter.

Izuku's forearms felt like pistons straining under the weight of something they weren't designed to handle, screaming from the pressure. Despite the fact that Baruka had stabbed out with his dagger, it felt like Izuku was being hit with the blunt force of a 747. Had he not leveled up during the time inside this Gate, he would've already been dead, no question.

Izuku activated his Omni-Elemental Gem, igniting his gauntlets with burning flames. While Skills were blocked from activation, it seemed that items could still be used. It was fortunate because the flames caused Baruka to wince and leap back. Like other creatures in this environment, heat was their enemy.

"I didn't even see him move..."

Izuku held up his gauntlets like a boxer, still imbued with fire magic. "He's got some sort of Stealth ability. I'll do my best to take him on. Get rid of the other Elves. We don't stand a chance unless we gang up on him."

Baruka cackled. "You're asking for the help of humans? How pathetic! I expected more from a being like you!"

"A being like me? Does he mean the Shadows? Can he sense the System?"

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now