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[Item: Dungeon Key]

Item Class: B-Rank

Item Type: Key

Description: May be used anywhere, but will only work with the Quest partner's presence. Cannot be entered by the Player alone.


[Momo Yaoyorozu:]

Rank: A

Role: Battlemage

Proficiencies: Magical/Chemical Creations and versatility


"This Analyze Skill is pretty neat! Wanna check it out?" Izuku asked Yaoyorozu, who was a few feet stretching before the foray into danger.

"Sure!" She said, reaching for her toes, the sweatpants exaggerating her waist. Izuku had to look away, otherwise he would've gone cherry red.

"Oh? Battlemage? That makes me sound a lot cooler than I am. What a flattering thing."

"Careful, it might flatter you, but this thing isn't exactly benevolent." Izuku had already told her about the Gate at Joren Falls but he felt it was best to reiterate himself.


It was for that very reason that the two teenagers were standing on a deserted beach, with an even emptier parking lot behind them. They should be entering the Gate this time. But if for some reason it broke like the one in Joren Falls, no one would be in danger. Essentially, they were using Dragon Ball logic.

"It's nice when you get to choose the location for the fight." Yaoyorozu remarked, wringing her hands out.

"We don't have to do this, ya know. We can take it slower with smaller Gates."

She shook her head. "I'm an A-Rank. I can't be scared anymore." Her right hand positioned itself over her left arm, using her Quirk to withdraw a metal grip. But it didn't belong to a sword.

Bit-by-bit, like a 3D printer, a matte-black metallic shape emerged from Yaoyorozu's arm. A Heckler & Koch P30L. Izuku could feel the massive energy pouring off of it. Magical energy.

"Have... Have you been able to do that this whole time?" Izuku doubted it would've made a difference against the giant creature, but he'd never seen her create something like this. "I thought you said you couldn't create enhanced magical weapons yet?" Izuku smirked. He looked calm, cool, and collected on the outside, but in reality, he was losing his mind. Firearm wielding Heroes were so rare that stumbling across one had odds worse than the lottery. He didn't blame her for not using it sooner, after all, she was the designated healer in Raids, and while she probably could've mowed through a few dozen E or D-Rank Gates on her own, it was the path she had taken.

"My... parents taught me how to do it when I was young. I've only started practicing again a few days ago. This is the best I can do for now. I'm sorry but... I wanted to be a healer, not a fighter."

"And now?"

"Now, I don't wanna be afraid anymore. I wanna fight, like you. Not be stuck on the sidelines healing," She said with a knowing smile.

"You say that as if I was never afraid during those Raids."

Yaoyorozu's brow scrunched up. "You... were?"

Izuku chuckled. "I'm surprised you didn't pick up on it. The only people without fear are sociopaths... or National-Ranks. Fear turns to adrenaline, adrenaline turns to power."

"And power turns into hate?" She said, her nervous energy fading.

Izuku barked out a high-pitched laugh at the quote, quickly slapping one hand over his mouth, which in turn caused Yaoyorozu to start laughing, and then back to him. It was a hilariously vicious cycle, so much so that they had to take a moment to sit down. After all, the opening of the gate was up to them, they had all the time in the world.

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