The Cure

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I meant to include the 20 Souls Izuku took from the Bureau alongside Kamish in the last chapter, I didn't want to fall into the trap of something like AFO where there's so many Quirks he can just do whatever because the audience doesn't know what Quirks he specifically has, which is why this chapter is gonna open with those Souls and just a quick description to not waste too much time! Also, in the last chapter, Setsuna was late for class because she was seeing her father... and I somehow forgot she has like 20 different bodies she can operate at once! What is wrong with me! I'm going to be rewriting that section because it makes no sense.

Finally, I'd like to add a personal note. I know that they were intended as jokes, but I do not appreciate comments that involve threatening me with physical harm. Saying you'll snap my neck or that I won't live to see the next day or whatever if I don't do something, such as add Bellion, even with a "jk," is not fun to read. If you need to comment on something that I've missed, or messed up, that's fine, I can take criticism and individual input, such as screwing up the fact that Setsuna has multiple bodies, which a commenter pointed out. Just don't include a threat in your comments, I don't find it humorous.


[Dyson (Captain Grade): A small sphere that harvests energy from any star and converts it into Mana. This Mana can be transmitted to anything within 1 lightyear. The closer it gets to a star, the stronger its effect. It is incredibly weak and fragile.]

[Nova (Commander Grade): A biblically accurate angel, made of fusion energy, as if it was its own star. It is capable of outputting a massive beam of energy. This beam can annihilate most things, but it requires 10 minutes to charge and consumes an absurd amount of Mana. Possible synergy with Dyson. Currently unknown what its relation may or may not be to the Lux.]

[Jingu (Captain Grade): A primate that looks remarkably similar to humans. It can adapt to any fighting style and devise a specific counter. However, it is weak against Magic and if its opponent is overwhelmingly strong, it will not be able to withstand such attacks.]

[Ouroboros (Colonel Grade): This wyrm is a strong physical and Magical fighter, but its true value comes from its ability to create Gates by "eating it's own tail" and forming a circle that is around 200 meters in diameter, allowing anything to pass through and emerge on the other side of the Gate.]

[Deacon (Colonel Grade): An alien priest who is supposedly connected with their culture's God. He can inflict a debuff on any number of opponents that locks one Skill on each target. This "cleansing" of Skills is very hard to counter.]

[Abyssmaw (Commander Grade): A creature that lived in the vastness of space. A nebulous serpent that stretches across the sky. He can swallow almost anything, his teeth and mouth turning into pure Mana and destroying it in the process.]

[Phantom (General Grade): A special-ops soldier from what seems to be a different dimension. He specializes in stealth and information gathering. He doesn't just blend in with the Shadows or Darkness like I do, he blends in with the background radiation of the universe, making him nigh-impossible to see.]

[Solstice (General Grade): A spider-like being that can weave webs made of time. This can slow down or speed up time in localized areas. The maximum factor that can be achieved for slowing or speeding up time is a factor of 2 times normal speed.]

[Marble Wing (Captain Grade): A quetzalcoatl, or at least a bird that resembles that dinosaur. Named for its hunting technique on its native homeworld to scoop up entire hills of land with its wings to expose creatures hiding underground for it to eat. As it adapted and evolved throughout time, its body began to take on a marble-like set of scales that look more like rocks than anything else. Doesn't seem to be too useful in combat, but it could prove extremely useful to Momo's plans by clearing large swaths of land in moments.]

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