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Just to be clear, I'm not including a self-insert just because. I included the character of Brandon Burnett because, for many reasons, he's a good vehicle for character development, specifically for someone like Bakugo. Sometimes an outsider looking in is a good way to get new insight into a character, and none of the other canon characters have the traits I needed to do so. Of course, some of it is for a bit of fun, so don't take the self-insert too seriously. Don't worry, he's still just a side character.


"We're going in pairs of two, I assume you're all okay with that?" Brandon asked, passing out the packs and night vision gear. No one voiced any complaints. "Aight start pairing up. You're with me," He said, pointing at Bakugo.

"Tch, yeah right."

Brandon scoffed. "Work with me man. Fuck the pride, people are missing." That, thankfully, seemed to get through to the angry blonde, who accepted the pairing with little more than a grunt of annoyance.

Izuku suspected Brandon was doing it to keep Bakugo in check, but the C-Rank had much deeper reasoning behind his actions.

Outside of that, the others began to pair up. Izuku and Iida, Setsuna, and Yui, Jiro and Kaminari surprisingly enough, Mina and Uraraka, Aizawa and Esil who was wearing makeup and baggy clothes to hide her identity from the populace for the moment - they didn't want to cause a panic - Tokoyami and Ibara, Kirishima and Kamikiri, and Hagakure and Aoyama.

"Each pack has a flare gun with five shots, a first aid kit, enough food and water to last a week in the wild, and other assorted items like emergency space blankets." Because they were all Awakened, and because the weight wouldn't slow them down, the massive packs were stuffed to a ridiculous degree with just about everything they could need. "These GPS devices outline the paths each group will take to cover the entire island." Each student had a watch with a GPS and built-in radio. "Avalon police and medical personnel are standing ready here in town as always. In search and rescue, never rely on one sense alone. Keep your eyes scanning, listen for any abnormal sounds, and... if you smell something foul, you should investigate. We're aiming to bring these people home, whether alive or dead, remember that. Closure is important for these people. The flares are only for emergencies. Meaning you can't reach anyone on the radios, and you are in a very serious situation. Anyone who sees a flare should head towards it and assist however possible. Remember, we don't know what caused these disappearances, so be ready to fight. Assess injuries before moving them, treat if possible, and make for the city if movement is available to you and the survivor. I assume you all have been trained in first aid?" He glanced around at the students' faces, but focused on Aizawa, who nodded along with his class. "We'll rendezvous back at the houses every couple of days. We'll stay in radio contact so don't concern yourself with a stringent time table." He finished by handing out a small laminated sheet of paper with the faces of the missing people. "Any questions?"

Aizawa stood by listening. He was a professor, but he wasn't really a search and rescue specialist. Neither was Brandon, for that matter, but it was clear he had prepared as much as possible.

"Any wild animals we should watch out for?" Iida asked.

"Excellent question. Catalina has very few large species. Bison and swine being the main ones, mostly harmless. But there are also some venomous snakes on the island. The first aid kit is filled with anti-venoms for the ones you could encounter, as well as epinephrine in case anyone has an allergic reaction to said anti-venom." He looked around for other questions, but no one spoke up. "Professor Aizawa?" He asked, ensuring he didn't miss anything.

"Watch for caves and uneven terrain. Use your Awakened Senses to search bodies of water, we can't go wading into every puddle we find. Be thorough, but efficient."

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