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[Skill: Stealth]

Toggled Skill

Mana Cost: 10 Mana per second.

Description: By activating this Skill, the Player is capable of completely hiding their presence from the physical world. The Player can still be detected if their opponents' have increased sensory abilities.


Yaoyorozu set about creating more ammo for her handgun as Izuku scanned over the text. "Sneak attacks aren't exactly my thing..."

"You're still gonna use it though, right?"

"Of course. There's no point in not using everything in my arsenal."

"You think the next room is the Boss Villain?"

Izuku nodded. "I'd put money on it. The only reason we haven't run into anything else in this place is because the Mimicat ate it. The Boss is probably the one thing it couldn't eat."

"That's a little worrying."

Izuku shrugged. "If it's that large it might also be slow. Whatever it may be. You wanna take a break or push on?"

Yaoyorozu checked her gun with practiced efficiency. Pulling back the slide halfway to make sure a round was chambered. "I say we get this over with."

"You're pretty handy with that. You didn't miss a shot back there."

Yaoyorozu laughed awkwardly. "It's a little strange, but I'm a bit of a gun nut. I'm not like the Americans or anything," She quickly clarified, "It's just that I have an appreciation for the simplicity and effectiveness of the design." She averted her gaze. "Taking them apart and putting them back together was like a fun puzzle. It kept me sane as a kid."

Izuku had to admit it was a little disturbing to imagine a small Yaoyorozu grinning happily as she disassembled and reassembled guns. But he wasn't judging. Everyone made it through life differently.

"I bet you could give Lady Nagant a run for her money."

Yaoyorozu's face flushed a light pink. "I'm not that good..."

Izuku felt the urge to compliment her further. She was exceedingly cute when she got flustered. However, he didn't want to waste anymore time inside a Dungeon. It was mostly just an urban myth, but many Heroes claimed that the longer you spent inside of a Gate, the more your soul was worn away at. There was nothing credible behind it, but it had stuck with Izuku for some reason.

"When we reach the Boss Chamber I'll use Stealth and go in first. Scout it out."

"Sounds like a plan."

So the two set off on a rather tedious walk, with very little conversation between them. The air felt heavier the deeper into the Gate they went, and they wanted to avoid getting ambushed in the event that the Mimicat had missed a few snacks.

But apparently the feline had been quite thorough, only skimping on the few Crystal Canaries that had attacked them near the Dungeon entrance.

""I feel it,"" Yaoyorozu and Izuku said in sync, before glancing at each other and giving a smirk.

"Well I sensed it first," She teased.

"Alright, let's see how well this works."

[Skill: Stealth has activated.]

"Woah. It's like you just disappeared into thin air," Yaoyorozu looked around for Izuku, despite the fact that he was right in front of her. "I can still sense your Mana, but it's like it's jumping all over the place."

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now