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Izuku awoke to an angel in bed next to him. Her bare skin, even scarred, shimmered beautifully in the morning sunlight. With the birds chipping, and the sound of waves crashing, he briefly had to wonder if he was dead. Not even Heaven could be this perfect.

Kaina, living several lifetimes of war and with superhuman senses, woke the second she felt the presence of a conscious person. But knowing that she was safe, she woke slowly, elegantly stretching her body like a cat. Unintentionally or not, she gave Izuku quite the show. Again, not even Heaven could compare.

She languidly climbed her way across the massive bed, pressing herself against Izuku's warm chest. He enveloped her in his arms.

"I can die happy now..." She lazily slurred.

"Don't say such morbid things," Izuku replied with a laugh.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere... In fact, I think I'll stay like this for a while longer," She said, savoring the morning hug.

Izuku enjoyed it with her, right up until his phone rang. And it wasn't his own phone, it was the sat-phone that Adam White gave him. He groaned, but he did sign a contract and there was a chance that someone's life was in danger, so he quickly answered.

"This is Midoriya."

"This is Adam White calling, don't worry, there's nothing America needs right now," He knew who Izuku was. Even though he was young and a fresh National-Rank, Izuku was very objective oriented, and he liked to get to the point as quickly as possible. "However, I finally got permission from the President for that very special gift you requested. You can come at any time to 'retrieve' it."

Izuku was glad he answered the phone, that was some incredible news. "Great! Thanks for the hard work." He didn't really like Adam, but the man had been running around like a wild animal to get Izuku what he needed. Some of it was simple like his vacations with the girls, but there were other tasks Izuku had given him that were crucial to the future of the world. So obviously, he believed a 'thank you' was in order, even if the man was just serving the needs of himself and his country. "If it's okay, I'll come pick it up in about two hours."

"Not a problem! I assume you found my own gift in that basket? How was the se-" Izuku immediately hung up on him. If he was being honest with himself, he really did enjoy last night, and Kaina essentially surrendering herself to him was a gesture that he cherished. In order to remove your own Awakened status, even temporarily, and bind yourself, you had to have complete faith in your partner. So in a roundabout way, Adam showed him just how much Kaina trusted and loved him. But the man was absolutely a pervert through and through. It was best not to encourage that behavior.

"You're leaving me?!" Kaina said with teasing doe eyes.

"I'll only be gone for a couple of minutes. Besides, we still have two hours and I'll be right back after that."

"Then that's plenty of time," She said, crawling atop Izuku and straddling his waist. "But you're gonna need a shower before you meet the Americans. Can't have you smelling of sweat, so I'll make sure to take care of you in the shower as well." Her half-lidded lust-filled eyes were impossible to resist. No single tool in Izuku's arsenal could cleanse the "Degenerate" debuff that she, or Momo, inflicted upon him. He'd have to wait and see if Setsuna and Rumi had the same spell. But until then, he already had a horny girl in his bed.


Izuku teleported to the Federal Bureau of Heroic headquarters after a very refreshing shower. He could've teleported directly to the vault where Adam White would lead him, but it felt rude to so brazenly infiltrate a high-security building when he had permission to visit. Americans or not, Japanese or not, Izuku believed that he had a responsibility to uphold the respect that institutions and powerful individuals should show to basic procedure.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now