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In case you're wondering why I'm posting these chapters much more slowly, it's probably because I've become slightly obsessed with writing another fanfic of mine, named The King of Heroes: NULL/Virtue, which is basically an isekai idea of my own making, so if you wanna go check that out I'd appreciate it! But don't worry, I'm still here for Shadow Monarch! Enjoy!


The sky was like a light show. Bullets flying through the air, lasers incinerating everything they touched, energy bouncing around. Even from miles away, people could see the impacts and lights. But even more than that, they could feel the power.

To anyone watching, the sky had become a battleground for the Gods.

"Kaisel, keep moving, give me different angles!" Momo said, pulling a rifle from her skin.

"The shields only appear from his arms, so whatever way his hand is pointing is the direction he can defend. I just need to reach an angle that's awkward for his arms to move to. As long as Miruko can keep him busy, we can do this!"

Kaina danced through the clouds, just as Momo flew through them, each looking for the opportunity to fire.

Miruko, meanwhile, was growing faster and stronger with each kick, moving at such a speed that, even to Kaina's Dragon God's Eyes, was a blur. Momo came to the conclusion that only Izuku with Gravity Magic would be able to stop her. If she ever decided to go rogue, she'd be one of the greatest physical threats in the world.

All at once, everything seemed to come together. Miruko threw two kicks that forced Nine to put up two shields. At the same time, Kaina and Momo fired from different directions, their bullets disappearing into the clouds. But as they repositioned, they noticed something.

Though they hadn't watched the bullets, they could still sense them using their superhuman abilities. Which meant they should have felt them impact at the very least. Even if he reacted to defend with the shields in time, they would have felt that. But it was like something stripped away everything from them. The bullets had no mass or speed. They just stopped and fell into the ocean beneath them.



The short exchange between the two girls told them everything they needed to know. Their shots hadn't missed, they'd been stopped, like everything had been stolen from them. It was another Quirks.

"Okay so we've got to identify 8 Quirks to figure out his powerset. Storm, laser fingers, blue dragons, shields, and some sort of power that robs things of their motion." Momo briefly considered that Nine's flight was a different Quirk from the storm. He could've been controlling his position with the wind, similar to the pressure waves Miruko was creating to move. "That's five... No wait... he also changed the properties of the lightning. Is that part of the storm Quirk or something else? Why isn't the System telling me?"

Usually, when the System sensed Izuku or Momo's intent to learn about a Skill, Magic, or Quirk the enemy was using, it displayed a basic definition. It did that for the Quirk Nine, but not for the rest.

"Is that another Quirk? Hiding information?" Momo gritted her teeth, annoyed by the uncertainty. "We'll just have to keep pushing. He can't hold up against us forever... and he might have some sort of sickness weakening him." She remembered him coughing and clutching his chest. "Could that be his Soul? The Nine Quirk said he was exchanging part of his Soul..."

Momo was shaken out of her thoughts just in time to shoot one of the blue dragons out of the sky, only to notice the several dozen behind it. "Shit!"

Thankfully, like the hand of God tearing through the sky, Behemoth rose through the clouds, wrapping his fingers around their necks, just like baby Hercules choking out the two snakes. All of them were crushed into a shapeless blob. But whenever a dragon was destroyed, their wyrm bodies had to trace their way back to Nine's back, occasionally tangling up.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now