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Disclaimer: Since people wanted to see some art of the Shadows I did my best to curate images that best represented the shape of the creature or craft in my mind. Unfortunately, anyone who has played with A.I. art knows that consistency in achieving a specific effect like the Shadows is low at best. So these don't represent their true appearance, just the closest approximation. And don't worry, the images used in this chapter are only some of the images I have for Shadows and other characters.

"Tch, those assholes!" Kirishima pounded his fists together, sparks flying from the metal grating against each other. "It's not manly to pick on someone like that!" The boys were currently in the locker room, changing into their Hero outfits for the A-Rank Raid. Surprisingly, some of the Class B students were coming along too, like Kendo and Tetsutetsu.

"Don't be an idiot." A certain blonde said.

Izuku glared at Bakugo. "Don't tell me you're on their side too."

Bakugo's brow furrowed, "Don't put words in my mouth, D..." The teen stopped himself. "Don't put words in my mouth. We've been at war with Villains for decades. There's bound to be hatred built up. It's not surprising they'd treat her like they do."

"Well I guess that's progress," Izuku thought to himself, noting Bakugo's restraint.

"I am in agreement with Bakugo," Tokoyami said, his bird-like head a little surreal to see talking. "It is far more logical to hate someone like Esil than to hate another human because they are different."

Tokoyami was speaking from experience. Before Awakenings and Quirks, skin color was the single most common discriminatory target. Nowadays, Ranking and Quirks had a significant impact on the prejudices of the populace.

While a great deal of people adored and even worshiped Heroes, there were those who despised them for their power and were envious of the magic they wielded. This manifested even greater when the target of discrimination was in possession of a Quirk, like Tokoyami or Kamakiri, both of which were physically changed by their Quirks, making them look abnormal. It was much easier to make fun of someone for looking different than to make fun of someone who was merely Awakened and looked like any other human.

"Discrimination will always exist," Kamikiri postulated. "I'd much rather have it levied at her instead of me." He spat.

It was rather apathetic to Esil's own situation, but Izuku had trouble opening his mouth to protest it. Because of the way the human mind worked, discrimination was a constant. Even if it was on a very basic level, humans were designed to recognize differences. It was an evolutionary trait that had kept them alive during their more archaic days and it even helped modern Heroes survive within the incredibly harsh conditions of the Gates. Of course it often manifested as racism or something else stupid. But in this case, there was some justifiable backing to it.

Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people had lost their lives to the Gates, both inside and outside of them. Many countries had to bear massive economic recessions and suffering defined the first ten years of the Awakened Wars. It kind of made sense to discriminate against Esil, in comparison to how some people treat others like Tokoyami. Unlike most discrimination, there was an actual reason behind it.

Even still, it was hard to wipe the image of a depressed and soaking wet Esil from his mind. Thankfully, she had time to shower off in the women's locker room, with Momo creating a fresh outfit for her to wear. There was practically no limit to the usefulness of her Quirk, Cosmic Forge.

In fact, she suspected that the upgrade would now allow her to more easily create magical weapons, ones that others could wield as well. The downside to her Quirk had always been that only she could use enchanted weapons or armor that she created, but if she could rectify that, she could supply the entire world with high-ranking gear. She wanted to explore that possibility more, but between school, her research into the Eternal Slumber, and her Shadow Empress persona, she already had a lot on her plate.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now