Raid Start!

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Disclaimer: For world building I bring up religions and countries in both positive and negative lights. This does not reflect my personal stance on them. For example, Russia is mentioned almost as an underdog in this world for various reasons. But this does not mean I support their current... actions in the real world. This is fiction, this is a different universe, and this is the future. The world building may represent modern day issues, but it is important to denote the difference between fiction and reality. Just wanted to throw that in. Thank you.


Momo had a difficult time not falling asleep as she rested in Izuku's arms. Not only was she exhausted from the mental fatigue, but in his arms was where she felt the safest.

"From now on, can we actually not run in half-cocked?" Izuku asked, directing the question at Quorra and Merix.

"We had to..." Merix said, still recovering like Momo. "If I had told you what was coming, the fear would've been even worse."

"You knew?!" Izuku shouted. "You can't just-"

"Would you have gone in if I told you that you'd re-experience every truly fearful moment in your life?"

Momo averted her eyes. She didn't say it, but she wasn't sure if she could've forced herself forwards knowing that.

Izuku, on the other hand, couldn't say. Had he been told upfront he would've assumed he would be frozen in fear like the others. If he had expected that, he might have actually been frozen, and Vexor might've gotten a lucky shot in.

"I'm sorry, but Vexor was the biggest mental threat to any invader. Two-hundred years ago, an attack was launched on the Tenebris home by the Lux. Only Vexor needed to involve himself to stop the invasion. From here on out, it will truly be a game of strength and strategy, nothing more." Merix stood from his wife's arms, stumbling slightly. "I did what I had to do to ensure we find what we need to save my daughter."

Quorra bowed her head in apology as her husband brusquely continued down the path and towards the Demons' home. She had been far less affected by the mental strain, as compared to Merix or Momo, but she looked far more disturbed by the knowledge that she and her husband had willingly brought two helpful strangers into such a situation.

"I understand..." Momo whispered under her breath, distraught, but unable to hold a grudge against them. Her own parents had exploited her for their own gain. These two were putting themselves and others at risk, but all for the sake of their daughter.

Izuku was ready to flip out on them, but Momo, better than anyone, understood the importance of true parental instincts. And seeing that she was on their side, Izuku too had to let it go.

"You ready?" He asked, to which she nodded.

Izuku helped her to her feet and they began walking once more behind the duo, looking through the System notification at the same time.


[You have obtained items!]

Rune Stone Part 1/7: Sloth

The Eye That Sees All (Artifact)

Essence of Despair (Material)

Bone Scythe


[Item: The Eye That Sees All]

Item Class: S

Item Type: Artifact

Sense +100

Description: Establishes a Heads-Up-Display for the Player. Enemies and Allies are identified for the ease of the Player. Effects are shared with the Shadow Empress as well.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now