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"You lied to me!" Shoto's thoughts echoed throughout the white void.

"I told you when I first met you, I am incapable of lying within this space. Souls are the most direct form of communication."

"Problem is, if you're lying, I can't trust that statement either," Shoto spat back at Yogumunt.

"Well that's for you to decide. Regardless, I didn't lie about anything."

"You didn't tell me Touya would be there!"

The Higher Being shrugged as best he could in his blobby form. "I didn't know he'd be there. It's really as simple as that."

"You're a God, how could you not know?!"

"The future isn't as simple as that. If it was then free will wouldn't exist. We Higher Beings can only predict, not see, the future. Even Earth's greatest computers struggle to predict literally every single outcome of a chess game. The amount of computational power a game of chess takes is monumental. Imagine how many variables chess has, and compare it to how many variables reality has. To you, I am a God, but I am not omniscient. If that was the case, I would have ended this war long ago." Yogumunt paused to recover, his own frustration from several millennia boiling over.

"Shoto, I am very sorry your brother died. I did not think he was important to you, I didn't think any of your family was important to you, otherwise I would have looked much deeper into their possible futures."

Shoto remained silent for a moment, his metaphysical fists clenched tightly. "Why didn't you tell me how dangerous that Nomu would be?"

"I thought I provided a sufficient warning. I told you it could eventually become a threat to us Higher Beings. I figured that was enough to warn you of its dangers. Again, I am not accustomed to mortal conventions, I will attempt to be as clear as possible in the future."

"Future?!" Shoto scoffed. "What makes you think I'd trust you again?!"

"What I meant is that I will be as clear as possible in regaining your trust," Yogumunt clarified. "I will merely be giving you some advice for the next couple of days."

"How do I know you're not just gonna get me killed next!"

"Because if I wanted you dead, I would have sent you to Jeju without that ring to hide you from the ant." When Shoto said nothing in response, Yogumunt continued. "Your class will be undertaking an A-Rank Gate tomorrow. That Gate will be ambushed by humans, what your society calls anti-Heroes."

"Human Villains? You mean they'll ambush us at the Gate's Entrance?"

"No, inside the Gate itself."

"How's that pos-" Shoto cut himself off, he had seen a lot of "impossible" things recently. "So I should tell my class just not to enter?"

"No, you should go in with them. Keep it a secret. If you try to tell your class or the faculty the school will try to send your class to a different Gate whilst pros handle the ambush, but as a result, both your class and the pros will suffer heavy casualties. Not to mention the Shadow Monarch will gain a very dangerous Summon."

"This again..." Shoto shook his head. "Izuku Midoriya saved everyone at the Jeju Raid, you can't still expect me to believe that he's an enemy!"

"I never said Izuku was an enemy. He's quite possibly one of the most noble people on the planet. It's the power inhabiting him that will one day become a problem. If the Shadow Monarch was a force for good, Izuku Midoriya would be humanity's greatest asset. But that power will soon take over him completely." Yogumunt sighed. "As you humans say, I'm putting all my cards on the table." Shoto leaned closer, as if to hear better.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now