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Merry Christmas Eve! Or Happy Holidays depending on what you celebrate! I figured it would be nice to put this out on a special day, and if you're lucky I might even get a chapter out tomorrow on Christmas Day! Enjoy!


[Skill: Nexus, Lord of Pathways]

Apex Skill

Mana Cost: 5% of the User's Max Mana is required to create additional bodies.

Contains the following Skills: Innumerable Existence, Parallel Processing, Eternal Soul, Unconquerable, Divergent.


[Innumerable Existence: Allows the User to create exact copies of themselves. These copies have the exact same strength as the original as well as an exact copy of their Soul.]


[Parallel Processing: The User's speed of thought is increased a thousand-fold.]


[Eternal Soul: The User's Soul can no longer decay or be damaged directly. This also means that as long as one Innumerable Existence copy is still alive, the User cannot die.]


[Unconquerable: The User is immune to all forms of mental control.]


[Divergent: The User's Innumerable Existence clones each have their own consciousness, allowing the clones to each work on something different or fight a different battle. It also forbids the clones from working against one another or developing opposing goals, keeping them united while also allowing them to operate individually.]


As Izuku continued to skim over Setsuna's new Skills, Setsuna herself was tearing into the remaining Mosaics, most of which were beginning to run off. It was clear this battle was lost for them. They could rake their claws against her and she would regenerate, and their Soul attack did literally nothing to her.

Izuku wasn't sure what her aging would be like with the Apex Skill, but as long as she kept one clone alive, she was actually immortal. It was almost too hysterical to believe.

As the Mosaics continued to flee, Setsuna's clones... or really her actual bodies, went chasing after them, hunting them like they hunted the people of Catalina.

Since they were technically all Setsuna's "real body" none of them were exactly clones, but they were also, by definition, duplicates of herself. It was kind of a Ship of Theseus paradox. But Izuku wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, the Apex Skill arrived at the last possible moment to save the day.

However, despite the Mosaics getting farther away, there was still a general sound of commotion coming from behind the Casino. "Go check it out! I'll handle this!" Setsuna's last remaining body said from the doorway, having recovered from the Soul attack.

Izuku blinked and shook his head. He knew what her powers were, and he knew she would be there, but it was still a bit of a head-trip for him to see another version of her up-close and talking.

"I know! I know! It's weird!" She said with a smirk, "Now go!"

Izuku nodded and used Gravity Magic to leap clear over the Casino. It could be brushed off as a jump by his classmates if they saw it, but no one was left on the roof aside from Kaminari, Jiro, and Noah. Anyone not covering an entrance or exit was at the very back of the structure, crowded around and looking at each other nervously.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now