Izuku's Journal Page 2

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Disclaimer: This is an extra chapter that can be skipped without missing anything plot relevant.


While most of the roles a Hero can be assigned are detailed on Page 1, there are many other classes that Heroes can be assigned based on their preference, the need of the government, and the need of Hero Agencies. They are as follows:


Forge Master - The rarest of all roles. Forge Masters are men and women who can channel their Mana into magical metal or other artifacts in order to construct something to their liking. Massive companies like the Yaoyorozus' rely heavily on Forge Masters to create products to sell. Their Rank limits the Rank of the item they can create. So an S-Rank Forge Master, which has yet to be documented, could make one S-Rank item from raw materials every few days, or hundreds of C-Rank items every couple of days.

Multirole Battlemage - Multiroles are considered the most desired Class throughout the Hero world. Because their Mana is easier to control, they inherently have a battlefield edge as they share the raw magical power of a Mage and the physical prowess of a frontline melee fighter.

Assassin - Assassins specialize in Stealth, and are off-shoots of the Scout. They have high agility, usually some sort of ability that hides their presence, and can output high damage thanks to their talent at striking at weak points. They also do well as Rescue and Recovery Agents, a role seen below.

Ranger - Rangers can be defined as long-range Mages, or marksmen who exceed with long-range weapons such as bows, crossbows, or in rare cases, guns. Because magical metal is so valuable, guns are very rarely possessed by Ranger Classes. Countries like America are famous for their military might thanks to the amount of magic metal they've accumulated and turned into weapons. Specifically, firearms.

Porter - Porters are generally low-Ranking Heroes who are inexperienced in combat, or wish to avoid it altogether. There is nothing special about them aside from the fact that this role can stack atop other roles. For example, someone can Awaken as a Swordsman, but choose to be a porter if they so wish. This is usually undesirable however, as Porters are frequently treated poorly by their Parties. They are seen as little more than mules to carry things around. Many underestimate the necessity for a Porter, as without any sort of Spatial Magic, Heroes will be unable to fight to their full potential, being so weighed down by their equipment.

R&R - The Rescue and Recovery role is highly specialized, and like Porters, is a role that is added to their Awakened role. As their name suggests, they are uniquely qualified for rescuing Heroes from Raids gone bad. They're all exceptionally skilled in matters of Stealth, Speed, and Healing. All team members of the R&R role are handpicked by the Safety Commission and undergo training similar to the Marines' Hell Week in America. Somewhat ironically, Assassins are commonly apart of this role, as their stealthy abilities make them perfectly suited to getting in and out quickly. Should a Gate break open, they are also deployed as first responders of sorts. They are government agents, more so than most other Heroes, and they do not often participate in standard Raiding activity due to their value and necessity.

Civilian - The Civilian role is given to those who want to use their Awakened powers in more standard ways, such as construction, fire fighting, policing, etc. and is recognized as such on their identification.

Soldier - This one is also self-explanatory, and is given to those serving in the military so that they can be properly utilized by their commanding officers.


Whilst the average member of the public understands Rankings within the very simple Letter System, the Hero Safety Commission of Japan uses exact numbers to calculate a number of things, such as Ranking and role. And inside these calculations there exists many different degrees of power, which is why an A-Rank on the low side could take down a single building, but an A-Rank on the high side could take down several buildings.

E-Rank: 10-100

D-Rank: 1,000-5,000

C-Rank: 250,000-1 Million

B-Rank: 10 Million-100 Million

A-Rank: 1 Billion-100 Billion

S-Rank: 1 Trillion-???

Ranks S and above don't have clear numbers for their calculations, as they have not been reported by the Safety Commission and because the upper limit of XS-Ranks and National-Ranks is unclear, it is hard to determine the variable boundaries for them. Measurement devices also have trouble calculating certain integers related to the equation, making the upper limits unknown. Because no S-Rank Forge Masters exist, Measurement devices have a set limit at Low S-Rank, with XS and National-Ranks being determined more by committee or by their merits.


Some Ranking Systems do not recognize National-Ranks, such as China, which uses different S-Rankings. Instead of National Ranks, they use a Numbered SS-Rank that goes 1 through 10, with 1 being the weakest. Their Rankings follow the same lettered system of course.








And it continues on till SS10. Though it is important to note that even someone like All Might is only measured as an SS6 and nothing above that has ever been recorded publicly according to China.

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