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I know some of you guys weren't super enthused by the lack of action in the last chapter, but don't worry, this chapter is all fighting. Well outside of the obvious dialogue and setups and stuff but you get what I mean. Also from now on I think I'll list Level-Ups in one alert so there's not a dozen lines of the same Level-Up message.


The second Izuku exited the Snowy Forest through the Gate, he was yanked to the ground by Kirishima, who had entered the portal in front of him. He held a finger up to his lips and pointed. Tetsutetsu was also one of the first through and he took the responsibility of making sure everyone was quiet when they came through the Gate.

They were crouched behind a small cliffside, the rock face hiding them and their Gate from whatever was around the corner Kirishima was pointing at.

Izuku nodded, then delicately crept around the cliff. He wanted to use Stealth, but there were already a lot of questions about him. Adding a crazy Skill like Stealth to those questions was a bit too much.

Peeking around the tan stones, Izuku spotted a small camp of sorts. There were a few tents and shoddily built structures here and there, but the main draw was the massive figures crouched around a fire.

Easily ten-feet tall, each humanoid had blood-red skin, glowing crimson eyes, and fangs that jutted out from their lower jaw.


[High Orc:]

Rank: A

Type: Karius Humanoid

Role: Basic Footsoldier

Proficiencies: Raw Strength, Blunt Force Weapons, Teamwork

Skills: Berserker, Environmental Resistance


The Villains roared in laughter as they tore apart a still moving creature, struggling to escape their grasp, to no avail. The mess of blood and guts made it impossible to tell what it had once been.

Despite the fire, the Orcs didn't even attempt to cook the meat, instead happily slurping up the bloody mess and crunching down on bone like it was potato chips.

Izuku got the sense that there would be no talking to these things and coming to a peaceful conclusion.

"I've muffled our voices," Jiro said, using her Quirk in combination with her Awakened sonic magic to create a slight soundproofing.

"A-Rank," Izuku reported. "Fighting them head on is risky at best." By now, thanks to the System, he was probably approaching A-Rank himself, if he wasn't already there, so he would be able to handle them fine, but even with the others and all their Quirks, they would be in significantly more danger.

"Then we stick to the plan," Midnight said, causing Izuku to build another sphere, this time out of very thin stone. It camouflaged better and wouldn't melt in this climate.

Speaking of the climate, as Midnight filled the gas bomb, Izuku looked around. The landscape was all stone and barren desert. The sky was a deep orange and not a single cloud occupied it. No trees, no plants, no water to speak of. It was a horrible place to live.

"Alright we're good." Midnight reported, causing Izuku to seal off the sphere and hand it to Setsuna.

The girl detached her arm and a single eye, weaving it around the cliffside and moving towards the campsite. They'd done it a dozen times before, so their teamwork was seamless, and without so much as a word, Setsuna crushed the stone ball in her hands when she was in position.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now