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"Their will?!" Momo blanched.

"Todoroki?!" Izuku practically shouted.

"Wait... Endeavor... was a friend of my parents?" Momo asked, taking a minute step back, not out of fear, but a readiness to fight, which looked a tad silly considering her stylish and comfortable clothing.

"I..." Natsuo sighed. "May I come in?"

Izuku glanced at Momo, who still looked unsure.

"It is a delicate topic," Natsuo said. "But while I am here at the request of my father, I am not here for him, or for your parents. I am here because it is the right thing to do."

"Fine," Momo acquiesced, stepping to the side and allowing him to move towards the kitchen table.

Nearby was Kei, with her hands clasped over her stomach. "May I get you all some tea?" She asked, sensing the tensions.

Izuku smiled. "I think that's a good idea."

Kei was a goofball around the people she trusted, but she knew how to pull off the perfect, "polite young lady," appearance whenever necessary. And with her desire to become a business woman of sorts, that kind of timing and properness was critical.

Natsuo took a heavy seat. "Allow me to explain myself. I am a lawyer representing Ryukyu's Agency - the Wyrm Agency - that she recently took ownership of. Ryukyu's up-and-coming protege happens to be Nejire-Chan, who was involved in the criminal investigation that took place last night. I am not at all connected to your parents," He said gesturing to Momo, "And the only relation I have with my father, Endeavor, is blood. I share no love for either."

"Then why are you handling this?"

"Because if I did not handle this, other lawyers of my father or of your parents would. And those are not kind people."

"So you're doing this out of the kindness of your heart?" Izuku asked.

Natsuo scowled. "My father is no saint. I doubt he was actively involved with the cult, but he likely knew of them, something I only just learned about myself. Which means, indirectly, my father has caused you harm, Miss Yaoyorozu. He won't apologize for his actions, or lack thereof, against the cult. But I feel I have a duty to take this assignment, as a Todoroki, whether or not I dislike being associated with such a name."

In sync, Izuku and Momo relaxed, not just because of Natsuo's story, but because they could feel the hate pouring off of each word he chewed out whilst speaking of his father and the Yaoyorozu's actions against their daughter. He seemed to be a good man.

"And here is your tea," Kei said, delicately setting down the tray. "I'll let you all talk."

They thanked her as she excused herself to her room. It filled Izuku's heart with pride to see her act in such a way.

"Both Nejire-Chan and Ryukyu are pulling favors as S-Ranks to have this incident cleared of your names entirely," Natsuo explained, pulling papers out of his briefcase to show the two. "There is more than enough evidence to put many of the cultists away for decades, if not life, so your names will not even be included on the police report, unless you so desire."

"We'd prefer to stay off the report," Momo answered.

Natsuo's lips twitched into a smile. "I'll cut through the formalities, I know the two of you are at least S-Rank, and no, Nejire-Chan did not tell me. It's simply that you'd have to be S-Rank to take down the Yaoyorozus and their cult." The duo returned the smile with an awkward one of their own. "I have to admit, you're skirting a lot of legalities thanks to your S-Rank friends and being S-Rank yourself. Very few people get things this convenient. I recommend you keep your lips sealed shut about this incident, to any and all friends or family members."

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