The System

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This is the System for Izuku and Momo up to this point in the story. It is not necessary to read this, but it is for those who want to keep track of stuff. I made it for that very purpose for myself so that I didn't let things slip by, but it is possible that even this System Page has stuff missing. It's just a lot to keep track of lol. Formatting is kinda janky on this site compared to my google docs so I just did my best and separated each section with an asterisk. Also someone pointed out how I totally forgot the souls from the mythology Gate that broke at the hospital. Added those and will need to address their Shadow form extraction so its a good thing I posted this lol.

Level: 145

Strength: 355

Vitality: 293 (+20)

Agility: 407 (+40)

Intelligence: 326

Sense: 414 (+120)

Available Points: 0

[Mana: 49,276/49,276]

[HP: 21,271/21,271]


[Soul List:]

51 Shriekers

15 Clicker Tortoises

25 Flame Salamanders

56 Cyclops

27 Hellhounds

5 Chimera

1 Gorgon

20 Crystal Canaries

873 High Orcs

3,469 Tenebris

245 Noble Tenebris



Shadows: Total count: 2,782/2,976

20 Shadow Crystal Canaries - Normal Grade

5 Shadow Flame Salamanders - Normal Grade

130 Ice Bears - Elite Grade

13 Ice Elf Archers - Elite Grade

Draken Lvl. 6 - Elite Grade

Anok Lvl. 6 - Elite Grade

Alvina Lvl. 6 -Elite Grade

1,277 Tenebris - Knight Grade

569 High Orcs - Knight Grade

Arcka Lvl. 6 - Knight Grade

Tank - Knight Grade

754 Greater Tenebris - Elite-Knight Grade

4 Pinnacle Orcs Lvl. 1 - Elite-Knight Grade

Tusk - Lvl. 1 - Elite-Knight Grade

Baruka Lvl. 9 - Elite-Knight Grade

Rasaka Lvl. 12 - Elite-Knight Grade

Vexor Lvl. 3 - Captain Grade

Behemoth Lvl. 25 - Captain Grade

Igris Lvl. 17 - Captain Grade


Izuku's Titles:

[Hide Piercer. All attacks against heavy armor deal 50% extra damage.]

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