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"We should retreat," The faceless boy said to his companion, the one which Izuku mentally referred to as Muscular.

"Don't be pathetic, it's just three Shadows! If the Monarch was here, there would be more," Muscular spat.

"And you think they're weak?"

"No, that's why it'll be fun!" Muscular pounded his fists together, strolling forwards to meet the challengers head-on.

"Right, well I think it's one of those missions you have to fail. An unbeatable boss monster. I'll start on a Gate just in case." The faceless boy walked back into the destroyed bar for cover.

Igris spoke just a single word, "Kaisel."

[Kaisel is using Skill: Divine Retribution]

Energy ran along Kaisel's back, up to her wings, before discharging in a massive stream of light. It hit the bar with a force comparable to several military-grade bombs, laced with Mana.

The structure was obliterated and the faceless boy was sent spiraling through the air, slamming down onto the frozen ground like a ragdoll.

Muscular was caught in the shockwave of the explosion, using it to his advantage to launch forwards and take a swing at Igris.

"A noble man fights a battle he cannot win for the sake of those around him," Igris nimbly sidestepped the large man, bringing his blade down with practiced efficiency. It wasn't fancy, but somehow it was simply beautiful watching the blade bisect Muscular's arm at the elbow. "A pathetic man fights a battle he cannot win just to prove something."

Just moments earlier, Igris had recounted his past to Nagant before sensing his Liege in danger and traveling to his shadow on Europa. He spoke from a place of experience. He fought the endless hordes of Tenebris in his past life, not only to avenge his wife, but to allow his village to escape their indiscriminate rampage. He knew he was doomed to die the moment he started to fight them, but he had finally understood what it meant to be a knight, to be a warrior.

This man, this Muscular, as his Liege called him, had yet to learn that lesson. Even as an arrogant knight, taking what he wanted, Igris had the misguided belief he was fighting for humanity. And now, he fought for humanity as a humble and wise man.

"You fight for nothing," Igris spat, batting aside Muscular's remaining fist and burying his blade into his sternum, ripping it out through his side, spilling blood onto the moon that had never known it.

Igris wrapped his right hand around Muscular's throat, lifting him off his feet.

"Kiek kiek kiek..." Beru cackled at the man's face, which had gone extremely pale from shock. Though Beru was far stronger than Igris at the moment, he respected the knight as his Liege's most trusted ally, and he loved to see a weakling be put in his place. It was why he had no trouble standing idly by and laughing like a madman. Both him and Kaisel lived their second lives only to serve. They would follow the lead of the one that was in charge.

Of course, that didn't change Beru's pure delight when Igris looked to him and said, "Bring me the other one, alive... if barely."

As Beru stomped off to capture the faceless boy, Igris growled at the man. "How did you get to this moon?"

"B-By Gate..."


"It closed... behind us... I don't know... how to leave without... without him!" He choked out, not getting enough air.

"Then you have no more use," Kaisel declared with her booming voice, towering over him and Igris.

None of the Shadows looked back to Izuku, but Igris and Kaisel sent a telepathic question to their Masters.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now