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Jiro and Kaminari were stationed near the Catalina Island Marine Institute. It was essentially an educational camp for kids between elementary and high school. But with the disappearances, no one wanted to send their child there, so the only people present on the premises were the instructors who lived there.

They were currently the team farthest out from Avalon, having sprinted to their target location to keep pace with the other search teams. Just as they reached their destination, they had gotten the radio message from Brandon and Bakugo. And mere moments later, their watches sparked and practically caught on fire.

"We just got here!!!" Kaminari shouted in annoyance.

"We should head back," Jiro said, delicately taking the watch off and throwing it to the ground to stomp out the fire so that the forest remained safe. It was in stark contrast to Izuku's panicked handling of it.

"I mean, that's the safe choice, but come on, there could be people nearby. We just got started. We can't turn away just because the fancy tech failed..."

Jiro grimaced. She felt the same way. It was kind of lame to run back to the town just because. "I've never heard of any Villain doing that to a body," She said, referring to the skinned corpse. "So it's probably just a human doing some messed up stuff."

Of course, they were both ignoring the simultaneous failing of their watches and the additional Mana they could sense around them. They knew they had to head back. They were just doing their best to keep calm, rationalizing a situation that told them to run like hell.

"Maybe we should just hunker down at the marine institute," Jiro said nervously, looking around. "We'll make sure they're safe first."

"Yeah..." Kaminari responded, his body crackling with electricity.

Neither of them saw the figure creeping up from the darkness of the forest.


The metal man moved from the shadows of the forest, into the clearing with Izuku, Iida, and Baruka.

Growling could be heard as Izuku and Iida frantically looked around, realizing that, somehow without noticing, they had been surrounded by two dozen wolf-like creatures made of the same metal as the humanoid figure before them.

Izuku and Iida clenched their fists, ready to fight, but the metal man merely laughed. It was a distorted and grating sound that made him sound evil. It literally sounded like a stereotypical supervillain cackling.

"Don't concern yourselves with them. This is how they greet others. It has been quite some time since we've been on Earth to see Homo Sapiens. They've so missed your kind." The metal man had his hands clasped behind his back, hidden under a long flowing cloak made of shimmering metallic fabric.

"Who are you?" Izuku asked, still ready with Gravity Magic to flatten the stranger.

"I have quite a few names. King Raia Cadmus. Lord of Synthetics. But perhaps my most recent name is that of the Architect."

"I know that name... Bael mentioned you..."

Raia's metal lips turned up in scorn. "That fool always spoke of things he did not know. He was not even the proper Lord of Hell. Just some idiot who craved power. I should have cut his head off when I had the chance, but Ashborn had other plans."

"King Raia," Iida began respectfully, ignoring all the talk of Lords that he didn't understand. "May I ask you what your purpose is here on Earth?"

"I have come to exterminate that," He pointed to the misfigured corpse on the ground. "It is a child of Tetrax, the Lord of Evolution. Its arrival was arranged by the Monarchs to greatly weaken humanity. I would have taken it out sooner, but a certain Primordial was awoken on Europa. It took all my energy just to lull it back to sleep and keep it from consuming the solar system. Thankfully, I had just enough power left to contain it to this island."

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now