New Student

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"As I'm sure you all know, All Might wasn't present during the Jeju Raid. As he is a professor at UA, there's bound to be curiosity." Aizawa tapped a few buttons on his phone, causing the holo-screen to display a muted vision of the news. "Rather than repeating myself, how about we save all questions until after his press conference?"

He said nothing else, simply stepping aside and unmuting the broadcast.

The scene was set on the front of All Might's illustrious golden Agency entrance. A podium was hooked up with microphones, but All Might himself was absent. It seemed like they were waiting for a dramatic exit from the Agency building.

Meanwhile, Izuku deftly turned his head to glance at Shoto out of the corner of his vision. He was staring straight ahead, that same look of death in his eyes. But he looked so calm and orderly otherwise that Izuku almost doubted his instincts.

And in the brief moment that Izuku was turned away, the room gasped as All Might made his appearance.

"Is that really him?"

"No way right?"

The man approaching the podium was what many would describe as "wasting away." But it was undeniable that it was All Might. There was just something about that hair, that face, just the way he carried himself.

"Forgive me for making you wait... but I am here."

The suppressed groans told Izuku that it really was All Might. Only he could open with such a line.

The reporters, all of which were certified bloodhounds when it came to harassing people for answers, were silent. Not even they could gather the courage to be the first to speak up. So, All Might cleared his throat and spoke into the microphone.

"Good morning, people of Japan. My name is Toshinori Yagi, but you know me as All Might."

Izuku immediately made note of that name in his Documentarian Skill. Despite his overwhelming popularity and universal acclaim, All Might managed to keep his real name a secret, until now.

"A few days ago, the Jeju Raid occurred, and it went terribly wrong." His long blonde hair was tousled by the wind as clicks could be heard, capturing the first sight of the "true" All Might. "A common question was, 'Where is All Might?' I believe that question now has a visual answer." He lifted his business suit, revealing the left side of his abdomen, where a horrific scar lay, purple and bruised, as if there was still internal bleeding.

"While I am still capable of wielding some Awakened Power, I am nowhere near the same man I used to be. Which is why I sent Mirio Togata in my place, as I believed he was a promising Hero." He let his shirt fall. "It is with a heavy heart that I say this. All Might is no more."

That line alone was enough to send the crowds of reporters into a frenzy, their frozen vocal cords coming to life. Whether it was because the sentence had such a finality to it, or because they simply recovered from the sight of a skeletal All Might, no one knew.

"Why didn't you tell us before Jeju?!"

"What is your opinion on Mirio Togata's disappearance?! Do you think he was involved with Endeavor's plans?!"

"Are you going to accept Thomas Andre's title as the 'World's Strongest' now?!"

"Do you have any connection to the Shadow Monarchs?!"

"Did you know about Takashi's actions or Endeavor's schemes?!"

The questions flew out at such a pace that only an Awakened Human could've kept up with them.

All Might held up his hands to quell the slight panic that had ensued.

"I did not believe my presence at Jeju was necessary to begin with. Even if I had been in my prime, I never could've imagined Jeju giving that group of elite Heroes such trouble. I wish it had been within my power to be there. I did not intend to deceive the people, I merely believed my retirement could be announced after the Raid was successful." He looked solemnly into the distance, as if seeing the faces of those who had fallen. "In regards to Mirio Togata, I hold the same opinion as The Reaper, Sung Jin-Woo, who felt an alien Mana take over Mirio before he vanished. Mirio was removed from the battle via forces that were beyond his control. He would not have so readily abandoned such an important fight. Of his innocence I am certain. He, nor I, had any connection to Endeavor or Takashi. The same can be said of the Shadow Monarchs. Their appearance was pure luck. If I knew their real identities I wouldn't waste any time thanking them in person for their services."

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now