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The next chapter I posted was supposed to be a Momo chapter. As you may have noticed I've been alternating between the two to limit confusion during chapters. But it's finals week for me and this was the chapter that more easily came to me. I've been pretty stressed so being able to just write some fanfiction has been a good de-stresser so don't worry about me forcing this chapter or anything, it was just what I wanted to do in order to take a break from all my essays. The next chapter will be Momo, I know you're all waiting for the triplet Beru fight lol.


The Catalina Casino was being swarmed by the residents of Avalon, who could barely make a straight line. At every entrance, someone from Class 1-A was listening to each and every heartbeat that came through those doors, ensuring that no Mosaics made it inside. Thankfully, since they were all Awakened, and because Brandon had done his best to calm people down, people couldn't just swarm the entrances to get inside and disrupt the entire process.

On the roof, several others were monitoring the area to ensure no suspicious figures emerged from the woods. Ibara was using her Nature Magic to also monitor the forest for any disturbances.

Kaminari was still out cold. He had been laid out on the roof as it was probably the safest place for him to be. Among the people on the roof were Brandon and Bakugo. Brandon because he had a Skill that enhanced his eyesight and Bakugo because he was capable of aerial maneuvers, which would be important in the case of an attack. He needed to be unhindered on the roof to properly respond to any threats.

"So... Were you joking when you said you tried to kill yourself?" Bakugo asked bluntly.

"It's in poor taste to joke about those sorts of things," Brandon responded. He gestured his head towards the other figure on the roof, Noah Adler, who was also still unconscious. "Thanks for saving him by the way..."

"You say that as if I wasn't obligated to save him," Bakugo bit back.

Brandon winced. "Just take the gratitude. I doubt you get much of it."

"Why'd you do it?"

"You can't seriously expect people to answer those sorts of questions when you treat them the way you do. You gotta be willing to talk like a normal human being."

Bakugo scowled, making a sound of discontent as he crossed his arms and looked out to the sea. Brandon shrugged, turning back to the surveillance, but he was shocked to hear Bakugo speak.

"You're really that angry all the time?"


"And you know why you're angry?" Bakugo asked, to which Brandon nodded. "Then why don't I?"

Brandon tilted his head, still focusing on the surrounding area. "Have you ever killed someone?"

"What the hell are you talking about? I've killed plenty of Vil-"

"Not something. Someone."

Bakugo winced. "You're asking if I've ever taken a human life?"

"I am."

Bakugo felt a sudden chill run down his spine as he looked at Brandon, whose back was facing him. At that moment, he could only describe it as an out-of-body experience. Like he was looking at himself.

"Have... you?" Bakugo suddenly felt that the blonde's dead eyes held more than apathy.

"Almost. How do you think I knew that Noah Adler was an assassin? He could smell bloodlust a mile away. Knew what I was going to do. He convinced me not to do it, if only for my own sake."

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now