Star's Offer

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A/N: Well I'm finally done with college, that last semester was a nightmare! Hopefully I'll get to write more frequently! I am also splitting my attention between this and my NSFW writing on Patreon: if you wanna check it out! The next chapter will be from Izuku's perspective! Enjoy!


[Skill: Strea, Lord of Dragons]

Apex Skill

Cost: The more intensively the Dragon God's Eyes and Dragon God's Gun is used, the more Mana they require. However, they are extremely efficient. Even the weakest Magical Beings could fully charge at least one shot.

The User gains a Dragon God's Gun in their dominant arm, this can be folded away or expanded at any time for ease of use. The User's arm with the Draconic Barrel folded away will look no different than usual. The Gun will adapt to fit any ammo type and will enhance all shots with Draconic Magic, which ignores most resistances and can strike the Soul directly, alongside physical and magical damage.

The User gains Dragon God Eyes, granting them incredible vision and the ability to see Souls. The Eyes are capable of interplanetary vision depending on how much Mana is pumped through them. They also calculate trajectories, wind patterns, and many other variables to give the User a visible line of the path their bullet will take for maximum accuracy.

Contains the following Skills: Speed Loader, Omni-Movement, Sheer Force, Dragon God's Disciple.


[Speed Loader: The User can directly teleport ammo into their chosen gun (works with the Dragon God's Gun)]


[Omni-Movement: The User can position themselves in 3-Dimensional space however they want]


[Sheer Force: The User is granted an extra 50% damage to all attacks]


[Dragon God's Disciple: Kaina Tsutsumi, you have been chosen to succeed me]


Kaina was confused by all the holographic boxes popping up in front of her, she had yet to see or hear about the System, but she didn't have the time to question it, there were still two Nomu left, and Miruko was just an S-Rank. Even if she had strong gear, there was no way for her to-

Miruko fell from the sky, landing softly in a crouched position, betraying her immense strength. "You took down yours too? Nice. Bit of redemption for both of us huh?" Her body was covered in disgusting bug guts, parts of the ant's arm hanging off her armor.

Moments later, Beru rose from the water, his brother literally torn in half in his hands.

"Kiek kiek kiek... My Liege and my Lady have quite the interesting harem..."

"Harem?!" Miruko practically jumped on top of Beru. "Is it open for applicants?"

Kaina winced. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Beru."

"Wait... so you and Izuku?!" Miruko was now jumping at Kaina.

"How do you...? Do you have memories of a past life too?"

"Huh?" Miruko's ears flopped to the side, caught off-guard by the strange question. "No, I just know what he smells like."

Now it was Kaina's turn to be taken aback, her face turning red. "What?! Have you two been going out?!"

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now